It is used to specify the desired length for the sequence number prefix.
The "n" length entered corresponds to the "n" first characters of the client code.
The value 0 leads to the creation of customer sequence numbers which are exclusively numeric. Their lengths depend on the value set in the SUFSREBPC - Customer seq no. suffix length parameter.
This parameter is defined at the level Folder.It belongs to Chapter HDK (Customer Support) and the Group FMT (Formats),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
The global variable GCHRSREBPC is associated with it.
The following parameters are linked to the parameter CHRSREBPC :
SRENUMAUT (defined at level Folder) : Automatic customer chrono
SUFSREBPC (defined at level Folder) : Customer seq no. suffix length
The following functions are associated with this parameter :
Customer relation > Customer support > Service requests