Business Intelligence Module > Datamart > Module Purchasing > Datamart PURCHASE (Distribution/X3 purchase management) 

The Datamart dedicated to purchases corresponds to a BO environment (Business Object). It is part of the X3 Datawarehouse (DWX3) and it is used, as well as the other Datamarts of the Datawarehouse, to reorganize the data of an X3 folder in order to facilitate the manipulation by inexperienced users and to allow an easy elaboration of the reports in the Business Intelligence (BI). Only the most relevant pieces of information are conveyed in the datamart. Some of the information is reworked before being integrated to the datamart to ease their use.

The purpose of this datamart is to analyze expenses, purchased quantities....payment credit level. It uses the main purchase documents.
The detail level is the purchase document line where information from the header is systematically reused.

It is made up of:

  • the Purchase fact table(Purchase lines) fed from elements coming from the header, the lines and the invoice footers of the various documents, following synchronization rules. 
    Various elements can be defined for this fact table:

- predefined conditions in order to have filters on the data,
- sub-classes or grouping indicators

 SEEREFERTTO The list of the Business Object reports as delivered for the Purchasemodule, is provided here.


Some setup elements need to be checked in order to be able to run some analyses.

  • Analysis along the geographical axis: this analysis is possible if the countries and geographical subdivisions tables have been properly entered in the folder.
  • Analysis of the impact of the invoice footers: they can be integrated to the datamart in the form of product lines. In that case, a product needs to be associated to the invoicing elements that should be analyzed.

Moreover the following elements need to be properly set up:

  • Naming of the dimensions, via the appropriate setup of the following local menus:
    • 206 - Product Groups
    • 208 - Supplier Groups