Activity code > Module Common Data > Activity Code DEB (EU exchange declaration) 

This activity code is used to define if the Manage Customs Document File (exchange of goods declaration) is used in the folder.

This activity code is therefore used to render optional the functions and data necessary to process the Manage Customs Document File.

The list of functions involved with this activity code are shown below.

Functions concerned

The following functions are impacted by the activity code  :

 Declarations > Intrastat > Others > Processes > Generate Intrastat file

 Declarations > Intrastat > Others > Processes > Manage Intrastat file

 Declarations > Intrastat > Others > Setup > Movement rules and natures

 Declarations > Intrastat > Others > Setup > NC8 BOMs

 Common data > Products > Products

 Declarations > Intrastat > Others > Setup > Transaction nature

 Declarations > Intrastat > Others > Setup > Statistical rule

Linked activity codes

The following technical activity codes are linked to the code DEB.These codes are never entered in folder management, because their value is calculated.

 DEBP (Airport/Seaport Intrastat), DEBR (Intrastat state/region), EDIDB (EDI and Intrastat).