Activity code > Module Common Data > Activity Code MAXPD (Maximum period (companies)) 

This activity code is used for customer invoicing, supplier invoicing and A/P-A/R accounting.

This activity code must be activated to authorize the implementation of controls related to the 2011/7/EU European directive.

These controls are used to determine the maximum number of days to perform the last payment due date. They can be defined via the following parameters:

Functions concerned

The following functions are impacted by the activity code  :

 Sales > Invoices > Contract invoice generation

 Sales > Invoices > Delivery invoice generation

 Sales > Invoices > Direct order invoice gen.

 Sales > Invoices > Stock transfer invoice generation

 A/P-A/R accounting > Invoicing > Customer BP invoices

 A/P-A/R accounting > Invoicing > Supplier BP invoices

 Purchasing > Invoices > Invoices

 A/P-A/R accounting > Open items > Open item management

 A/P-A/R accounting > Open items > Open item edit

  Sales > Invoices > Invoices