The [EDA] criteria entry mask if the user is in analytical balance inquiry mode.
No mask if the user is in analytical balance print mode.
Open tables
The tables that can be used are the following:
Use the "BEFWRIARM" entry point to take over before the update of the TMPBLA temporary table. This temporary table is updated and then read for the Dimension balance inquiry - EDITBLA function and for the printing of the Analytical balance - BALANA report.
If GPE=0, the current recording will not be saved.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is an open log file.
The "BEFWRIARM" entry point is called just before the write of the TMPBLA temporary table. This table is updated according to the read of 4 balances. Each read is identified by the PASSE variable.
Availablevariables and masks
The PASSE variable is used to identify the current table read. Caution, only 2 abbreviations are used.
- PASSE = 1 Read of the BALANA open table with the BLA abbreviation.
- PASSE = 2 Read of the BLAQTY open table with the BLA abbreviation.
- PASSE = 3 Read of the BLACMM open table with the BLA abbreviation.
- PASSE = 4 Read of the BUD open table with the BUD abbreviation.
Open tablesMany tables are open.
Lists only the Link table during the read of the abreviation linked to the PASSE variable.
GACCOUNT [GAC] | Account - linked to the BLA/BUD table abbreviation |
ACCESS [ACC] | Access code - linked to the Account |
AFCTFCY [AFF] | Site function profile |
FACGROUP | Site grouping - according to the company selected. |
x is from 1 to 9 or A, B, C according to the setup of the company associated with the account core model and/or the setup of the budgets if the user selected information concerning formulas linked to the budget.