AP_COMMIT: After posting of the accounting document |
OPNATB: Opening tables |
AFTWRIDAE: After writing in the entry lines table |
BEFWRIHAE: Before writing the accounting document header |
CALTBD: after the calculation of the amount |
SET_TAXIGNORE: Portuguese annual VAT declaration calculation |
CALOPETYP: overwrite operation type calculated for each record |
ROOTALT: specify an additional account for field 7 in Portuguese VAT declaration |
UPDENQBAL: Display the general balance for a legal company |
CONTROL: Restriction on the display of documents |
FILTRE: Additional filter on conversion variances |
AFTCALCNV: After calculation of conversion variances |
CALBSEDIF: Calculation of conversion variances of balance sheet type |
JOURNAL: Before controls and validation of the journal |
CLEGRP: Document lines grouping |
LIGNE: Journal line entry point |
LIN_ANA: Journal analytical lines entry point |
OPNTAB: Tables opening entry point |
MAJ: Posting lines access |
CALBALDEM: Posting lines access |
ANAFRW: Initialization of the dimension types with a fixed value for the carry-f |
BEFWRIBLA: Posting lines access |
PIECE: Before the creation of the document |
DELVCR: Deletion of an accounting document |
OPNATB: Opening tables |
BUDCTL: before a budget control |
BEFACSBUD: before reading the budget |
BEFBUDCTL: before the budget control |
AFTBUDCTL: after the budget control |
BEFWRIJOU: Before posting of the accounting document |
INICCE: After initialization of the analytical dimension |
ENGAGE: Before automatic creation of a commitment |
EVALHEA: Evaluation of automatic journal's header elements |
EVALLIN: Evaluation of line elements depending on an automatic journal |
CALAMTRTZ: Retention amount calculation |
CONTROL: Before journal posting |
MAJLOT: Before lot validation |
FILTRE: Additional filter on journals |
GNRDUD: Generation of open items |
CALVACBPR: Choose tax rule |
LOGCPY: Log file by company |
BEFGNRVCR: Before accouting document generation |
BEFDELSIM: Before deleting simulation journals |
CRITERE: Additional filter on the postings |
VALID: Journal update before re-write |
FILTER_FCY: Filter on the sites |
FILTER_TVA1: Filter by VAT number |
FILTER_TVA2: Modify BP account data |
FILTER_DCLEEC: Additional filter on the accounting entries |
NOM_ETAT: Name of the report to be printed |
FCY_FILTER: Additional filter on the sites. |
DAE_FILTER: Additional filter on the VAT declaration on debits postings |
BEFWRIDLVB: Before the write to the temporary DCLVATBOXH table. |
BEFWRIDVS : Entry point on Spanish VAT |
DELETTRAGE: before the entry unmatching processing |
BEFUNMATCH: before the unmatching of a group of entries |
BEFRVSMTC: before matching the exchange rate variance reversal journal |
FILTRE_VERSION: Additional filter on the analytical balance print |
BEFWRIARM: Before inquiry and print of the analytical balande |
FILTER: Additional filter on the balance |
FILTRE: Additional filter on the balance |
FILTRE: Additional filter on the open items |
FIFOJOUFILTER: Additional filtering on the journal entries |
CONTROL: Controls before the execution of the process |
MSKLOAD: Loading the accounting entry mask |
Context and operating mode |
Entry Points |
CRITERE: Additional filter on accounting journal entries |
TRTFAC: Calculation of bases to be declared |
FILTRE : adding custom criteria |
BEFAUTMTC: Before the matching automatic launch |
BEFWRIBDE: Before the write of budget MO |
CRITERE_ODPAYANU: Adding criteria to the ODPAY table filter. |
PORLEGEFATLIB: X3 connection properties |
TOEMAIL: Add email address to variable |
RPT_CHOICE: Change the report code in the variable |
EFAT_CPYNAM: Customize company name on email to final customer |
SET_FARMER_DOC entry point |
LINE: Access to the entry lines |
MAJ: Access to balance update |
RAZ: Erasing the balance |
RAZ1: Erasing the carry forward amounts |
CTLEVTDAT: Event date control |
CHARGE: initialization of the lines |
VALID: saving the entry |
ANAFRW: Initialization of the dimension types with a fixed value for the carry-f |
MODDATEVENT: Modify journal entries |
MODDATEVBP: Modify BP account data |
MODDATEVACC: Modify GL account data |
MAJMATRI: Update of the ID when hiring an employee |
MAJMATAUT: Update of the recordings linked to the ID of the hiring. |
MAJCTRFRA: Update of specific contract data for France |
TABACCLIK: Linked accounts |
LOAD_GDALIN: During the loading of an account structure |
MSKLOAD: Loading the accounting entry mask |
Context and operating mode |
BEFWRIPRV: Indicate and modify details about the supplier |
DIRECTORIO. To change the default directory name |
FICHERO. To change the default file name |
DIRECTORIO. To change the default directory name |
FICHERO. To change the default file name |
DIRECTORIO. To change the default directory name |
FICHERO. To change the default file name |
DIRECTORIO. To change the default directory name |
FICHERO. To change the default file name |
DIRECTORIO. To change the default directory name |
FICHERO. To change the default file name |
SELCSHDEV. To change the defaut selection of open items |
DIRECTORIO. To change the default directory name |
FICHERO. To change the default file name |
SELCSHDEV. To change the defaut selection of open items |
TBUZONSPE: Adding specific fields in budget entry |
SWIADDIND: entry point to change the address line index for QR code generation |
BEFWRISWIQRC: entry point to modify the data for QR code generation |
FILTRE: Additional filter on the sites. |
FILTRE: Additional filter on the fees |
CONTROL: Controls before the execution of the process |
BEFWRIFIY: Re-opening of the fiscal year |
INIACCCOD: After initialization of the accounting code |
MAJ_CODCPT : Accounting code management |
RCRBISLIN: before writing a supplier BP invoice |
RCRBICLIN: before writing a customer BP invoice |
BEFWRIGAU: Before writing the header of automatic journals |
BEFWRIGAD: Before writing the lines of automatic journals |
BEFCREVCR: Before creating the recurring journal |
FILTER: Additional filter on the documents for the declared VAT |
UPDDAE: Specific/custom updates for the declared VAT postings |