Entry points > Module Financials > Standard script LETTRAGE 

FILTRE : adding custom criteria

The FILTRE entry point allows to define a custom criterion used to filter the accounting entry line records managed by these processes. This custom criterion will be added to the queries' existing criteria.

Context and operating method

Call context

This entry point is called at the same time as the definition of the other criteria. The FILT variable is empty and can be initialized with a selection criterion that will be applied to the GACCENTRYD table during the execution of the matching process.
Warning: The GACCENTRYD table abbreviation is not consistent through the process.  Therefore, do no use table abbreviations to refer to fields of the GACCENTRYD table that you use in your custom criterion.

This entry point can also be called from other processes, such as the LETTSUB process, by using the following code:

There is no transaction in progress.
There is an open log file.

Available variables and masks

LETTRAGE processing: the LETTRAGE [LTR] screen is on line and contains the launch parameters selected by the user.

LETTSUB processing: the LETTAUTO [LTA] and LETTCRIT [DIA] screens are on line and contain the launch parameters selected by the user.