General parameters > Chapter Payslip-X3P > Parameter NOMRPTBUL (Name of slip status) 

This parameter can be blank or contain the code of the payslip report that will be activated by default when each report is printed.

If this parameter is blank, a selection of reports is submitted to you upon each printing of the payslip. If a value has been entered, the report defined in this parameter is activated by default.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Legislation.It belongs to Chapter BUL (Payslip-X3P) and the Group EBP (Payslip printing-X3P),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GNOMRPTBUL is associated with it.

This parameter is defined at folder, company or site level.

Available via the global variable: GNOMRPTBUL

Functions concerned

Use this parameter to print payslips from the Printing of slips function but also from the sequences in the Employee values function.

Activity codes

The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :

 HRPAY : Payroll management


In France, simplified payslips are mandatory starting from the 1st January 2017 for companies with over 300 employees, and the 1st of January 2018 for companies with less than 300 employees. Within this context, the report code will have to be BULLETINT or BULCALT.

The UTI002108 utility can be run (in the EXETRT Process execution function) to automatically modify the value of this parameter (it replaces BULLETIN with BULLETINT and BULCAL with BULCALT).

The UTI002108 utility can also be run to automatically replace BULLETIN with BULLETINT or BULCAL with BULCALT in the following functions:

  • Employee payslips (GESVEP), Payroll tab, Payroll block, Report field
  • Employment contract (GESCTR), Payroll tab, Payslip field, for contracts with a date earlier than 01/01/2017. Employment contracts with a date later than 01/01/2017 (or 01/01/2018 depending on the situation) are automatically initialized to the code of the report specified in the NOMRPTBUL parameter ((BULLETINT or BULCALT).