General parameters > Chapter Accounting > Parameter MTCPIO (Matching method priority) 

Use this parameter to assign the priority order for items during automatic matching by entering a seven-digit number that represents the priority for each of seven methods. You must assign a priority level to all matching methods listed below. Use a zero to exclude a method.

Each place in the seven-digit number represents a specific method:

1st place: By amount (ledger currency)

2nd place: By amount in currencies (transaction currency)

3rd place: Transfer to the balance

4th place: Search for balance

5th place: By reference field (journal entry header)

6th place: By description field (journal entry line)

7th place: By free reference field (journal entry line)

For example

If you enter 3104052, the automatic matching priority would be the following, with By amount in currencies as the first priority and By reference field as the last priority. The two methods assigned a zero value are not included in the matching process.



By amount (ledger currency)


By amount in currencies (transaction currency)


Transfer to balance


Search for balance


By reference field (journal entry header)


By description field (journal entry line)


By free reference field (journal entry line)


Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Site.It belongs to Chapter CPT (Accounting) and the Group MTC (Matching and variances),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

  • GAUMTC (Matching auto journal)
  • GAUMTE (Matching reversal journal)
  • GAUMTP (Loss or gain on matching)
  • GAUMTR (Matching rounding journal)
  • LETAUTCNO (Auto match inv ->credit note)
  • LOWMTCGEN (Exch. rate var./Low matching)
  • MTCAMT (Matching by company amount)
  • MTCCUR (Currency matching)
  • MTCDES (Description match characters)
  • MTCFREREF (Matching by free reference)
  • MTCLOW (Lowercase matching)
  • MTCNBR (No. of automatically-matched entries)
  • MTCREF (Reference matching)
  • MTCRND (Auto balancing threshold)
  • MTCRNDBAT (Batch auto balancing threshold)
  • MTCSOL1 (Account balance search matching)
  • MTCSOL2 (Balance accumulation matching)
  • MTCTRA (Matching log)

No global variable is associated with it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Financials > Matching > Manual matching