General parameters > Chapter Accounting > Parameter MTCRND (Auto balancing threshold) 

Use this parameter to define the minimum amount required to authorize rounding an entry when the matching group is rounded in the ledger currency and not in transaction currency.

This parameter has two dependencies:

1. The Profit and loss check box setting in the Miscellaneous section of the Accounts function (GESGAC).

Value entered

Profit and loss check box selected?

Rounding variance generation




Any value other than 0



Any value other than 0



2. The CURSHRFLD - Common field currency parameter (TC chapter, CUR group) defines the threshold currency.

For comparison purposes, the rounding threshold and variance must be set to the same currency. The amount you enter here is also converted during the matching process according to one of the following situations:

  • In the transaction currency when matched entries have the same currency
  • In ledger currency when matched entries have different currencies

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Site.It belongs to Chapter CPT (Accounting) and the Group MTC (Matching and variances),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

  • GAUMTC (Matching auto journal)
  • GAUMTE (Matching reversal journal)
  • GAUMTP (Loss or gain on matching)
  • GAUMTR (Matching rounding journal)
  • LETAUTCNO (Auto match inv ->credit note)
  • LOWMTCGEN (Exch. rate var./Low matching)
  • MTCAMT (Matching by company amount)
  • MTCCUR (Currency matching)
  • MTCDES (Description match characters)
  • MTCFREREF (Matching by free reference)
  • MTCLOW (Lowercase matching)
  • MTCNBR (No. of automatically-matched entries)
  • MTCPIO (Matching method priority)
  • MTCREF (Reference matching)
  • MTCRNDBAT (Batch auto balancing threshold)
  • MTCSOL1 (Account balance search matching)
  • MTCSOL2 (Balance accumulation matching)
  • MTCTRA (Matching log)

No global variable is associated with it.

Functions impacted

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Financials > Matching > Manual matching

 Financials > Matching > Automatic matching