General parameters > Chapter Payroll-X3P > Parameter NOTEXTWEL (DSN extraction without welfare) 

In the DSN, the user is authorized by the norm not to transmit the information of the additional organizations for the transitory period. Use this parameter to indicate if the welfare data must be extracted or not at the extraction of the DSN.


If the parameter is set to ‘No’ (default value), the welfare data is extracted at the extraction of the DSN (monthly, contract end or sick leave/return).


If the parameter is set to ‘Yes’, the welfare data is not extracted at the extraction of the DSN (monthly, contract end or sick leave/return). More precisely:

For the contract end and sick leave/return DSN: the welfare data is not populated in the site data. A message is displayed in the log file after the extraction: "Les données des organismes complémentaires n’ont pas été traitées". (The additional organization data has not been processed.)

For the monthly DSN:

  • For the site data: the welfare data is not populated in the site data. A message is displayed in the log file after the extraction: "Les données des organismes complémentaires n’ont pas été traitées". (The additional organization data has not been processed.)
  • For the contract data: the welfare data is not populated in the contract records of the employees impacted by the extraction. There is no message in the log for each employee/contract.
  • For the welfare membership records: the welfare membership records are not created for the employees impacted by the extraction.
  • For the beneficiary records: the beneficiary records are not created for the employees impacted by the extraction.
  • For the individual contributions: the funds associated to the complementary organizations are not processed. For the IRC+IP, only the IRC part is executed.
  • For the totaled DUCS data, the data concerning the complementary organizations is not processed:
    • For the site declaration data: the welfare data is not populated in the site declaration data records.
    • For the OPS payments: the OPS payment records for the complementary organizations are not created.
    • For the site contributions: the site contribution records for the complementary organizations are not created.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Company.It belongs to Chapter PAY (Payroll-X3P) and the Group DDC (Dads-u & Ducs-X3P),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

No global variable is associated with it.

Activity codes

The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :

 FPAY (Presence of the Payroll module).


This setup can be defined at the Folder or Company level.