General parameters > Chapter Acc Payable/Acc Receivable > Parameter PAYAPP (Payment authorization) 

Use this parameter to define payment authorization at the user level. This allows users to approve payments when approval is required to process payments and create the bank file. This applies to manual and automatic remittances.

The default value is No.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level User.It belongs to Chapter TRS (Acc Payable/Acc Receivable) and the Group AUZ (Authorizations),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GPAYAPP is associated with it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 A/P-A/R accounting > Remittances > Electronic remittances

 A/P-A/R accounting > Remittances > Manual remittance entry

 A/P-A/R accounting > Payments > Payment/Receipt entry

 Setup > A/P-A/R accounting > Payment entry transactions
