General parameters > Chapter Sales > Parameter RSTALLORD (Re-instate order allocations) 

This parameter is used in the delivery management function. It is used to reconstruct on the original orders the allocated quantities before the delivery creation if the delivery is deleted or modified.

The values possible for this parameter are:

  • No: If a delivery is deleted or modified there is no re-allocation in the order of the original allocated quantities.
  • Yes: If a delivery is deleted or modified, the system automatically re-allocates the quantities that were originally allocated on the order.
  • On demand : If a delivery is deleted or modified, the system asks the operator if the quantities that were originally allocated on the order must be re-allocated.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Site.It belongs to Chapter VEN (Sales) and the Group SAL (Order allocation rules),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GRSTALLORD is associated with it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Sales > Deliveries > Deliveries

 Stock > Receipt/issue transactions > Deliveries > Deliveries

 Sales > Orders > Orders


A new item of information exists at the level of the delivery line file: the quantity that had been allocated (in stock units) on the order at the time of the shipment creation. This field is called Qty allocated order US (OALQTYSTU).

The order lines managed by purchase direct order or production direct order escape this rule. Irrespective of the value of this parameter, if the delivery associated with a direct order line is deleted or modified, there will be a re-allocation on the order line if the order line had been originally allocated.