Use this function to manually process the entry of stock issue transactions linked to customer deliveries. It can be:

  • Deliveries relating to a regular order, a delivery request, a loan order
  • Direct deliveries
  • Non-billable deliveries including non-billable deliveries of project-related tasks in the case of project management (the project will be invoiced through an invoincing schedule associated with the sales order)
  • For more information, refer to the Project management (PJM) how to guide. Click the link that applies to your Sage X3 solution:
Once the delivery is created, you can:
  • Print a pick ticket
  • Select the stock lines to issue
  • Access the packing function
Once the delivery has been carried out, the stock transactions will be carried out, and you can:
  • Print a packing slip
  • Create the invoice or the proforma originating from the delivery.
You can also access this function in sales order entry, by clicking Delivery.
An order can be delivered manually, even if it has not been allocated. However, this is not the case for automatic deliveries (see the documentation on Automatic delivery). A detailed allocation (see Manual allocations) is then performed by default when creating the shipment.
When the approval circuit is managed ( APPSOH - order approvals management parameter), the sales orders that follow the established approval rules are not displayed in the list cannot be selected as long as they are not Totally signed.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The presentation of the entry screen depends on the setup of the selected transaction. If a single transaction is set up, there is no option to select when entering the function. Otherwise, a window opens and displays the list of transactions likely to be used (the choice can also be restricted using an access code).

You can create a packing slip in two ways:


1 Click New.

2 Enter the data field by field.

3 Click Create.

From the selection panel

1 Click New.

2 Enter the site(s).

3 Enter the customer name.

4 Select the documents from the selection panel list

5 Click Create.

Notes on selection lists:

  • The presence of different lists is due to the delivery category specified in the chosen transaction.
  • Depending on the BP setup, you can select several source documents of the same type.
  • You can filter each of the selection lists based on criteria specific to the delivery type you choose:fill in the delivery type and click the Picking Criteria action.

Task selection list:

This list is only available if the following conditions are met:

  • The entry transaction used is for delivery categories: Non-billable or All types.
  • The PJM activity code is active.

It is a tree list with three levels: budgets, task lines, product lines.

  • The projects presented are those that meet the following conditions:
    • They are defined for the same shipping site as the one entered in the header.
    • They are defined for the same bill-to customer as the one entered in the header, or they do not have a bill-to customer.
  • The task lines associated with the project and displayed are only of Material or Mixed type, with product lines waiting for delivery.
  • The product lines displayed are the products with a Consumption mode set to: Direct delivery These products must have been the subject of a detailed allocation at the task level.



The header information gathers all the general delivery information.




The following fields are present on this tab :

The 'delivery site' is initialized by default with the normal storage site for the user.
It can be modified provided that the chosen site is defined with an active 'stock' indicator. The chosen site must belong to the same legal company that the sales site.

The delivery type is used to determine, amongst other things, the sequence number counter at use.

Only one delivery type of the same category as the one specified in the entry transaction can be entered. However, when the category has for value All types, the delivery type is free; in this case, it this type that will determine the category.
Besides, the legislation and company group for which it is defined must be consistent with those of the shipping site company.
SEEREFERTTO For further information, click here.

The choice of the delivery type can be modified as long as no delivery line has been created.

When creating a delivery by picking documents (orders, contracts, picking tickets, sub-contract shortages, sub-contract reorders), the documents that are available for selection are filtered with respect to the delivery type: only the ones having the same delivery type or the ones with no delivery type are listed.

On creating a delivery directly from the order, this field is loaded with the deliver type mentioned in the order and taken from the setup of the order type. By default, the delivery type specified for the following parameters is taken into account:

When directly creating a nonbillable delivery, this field is loaded by default with the delivery type specified by the SDHTYPNINV - Nonbillable delivery type parameter.

During the Automatic deliver of orders processing, the delivery type consists in a grouping criteria. When it is not specified in the order, the delivery type entered in the processing launch function is the one that is taken into account.

During the Picking ticket delivery processing, the delivery type consists in a grouping criteria. When it is not specified in the picking ticket, the delivery type entered in the processing launch function is the one that is taken into account. This is the case of picking tickets related to sub-contracting requirements: in this context no delivery type is entered.

Type: import of loan delivery

If the delivery comes from a loan order, the information is automatically displayed. It can also be defined manually that the shipping being entered is a type loan shipping. The validation of a delivery of the loan type simply corresponds to a location change. The stock used in the loan delivery goes from a shipping site location to a Customer location defined for the ship-to customer. Therefore, there is no decrease in the physical stock upon validating a loan delivery. However, the available stock is decremented.

In order to be able to provide a loan to a customer, loans must be authorized for this customer (Commercial section in the customer record). In addition, it is necessary that a location of the Customer Stock type be defined and then associated with the delivery address of the customer (Ship-to customers section of the customer record). It is recommended that a loan location by customer and by delivery address be defined so as to view more clearly the products being loaned. Finally, for each product to be loaned, the product must authorize loans (Sales section of the product record) and be managed by location (Management section of the product site record).
It is important to note that loans are usually not to be invoiced since they are meant to be returned. In some cases, the loaned goods can however be invoiced if the customer has not returned them before the expected return date. The invoicing of a loan is done only from the delivery by clicking on the Invoice action. In this case, only non-returned goods will be invoiced. The physical issue of products will be performed on validating the invoice. A loan delivery can however lead to a Pro forma.

Type: subcontract deliveries

A sub-contract delivery is never attached to an order. It is always a direct delivery. It will therefore be appropriate for a delivery of this type to specify that it is a delivery sent to the subcontractor. The validation of a delivery of the loan type simply corresponds to a location change. The stock used in the subcontracting delivery goes from a shipping site location to a Sub-contractor location defined for the sub-contractor customer. Therefore, there is no decrease in the physical stock upon validating a sub-contracting delivery. However, the available stock is decremented.

The LST activity code must be active to be able to perform a subcontracting delivery. Then, a customer role must be assigned to the supplier as well as a delivery address related to a sub-contracting location. A sub-contracting shipment is used to replenish sub-contractors for whom material shortages have been reported during the operation they were assigned. A sub-contracting shipment is therefore not to be invoiced. The Invoice action is grayed out in this context. A Pro forma can however be created and associated with the goods.

Type: non-billable delivery

Non-billable deliveries include:

  • service deliveries
  • deliveries of items related to a task associated with a project in the context of project management. These can be products managed in stock subjected to a detailed allocation at the task level, or service products that are not managed in stock but delivered.
  • field WSDHCAT

The category cannot be modified; it is determined by the chosen Delivery type.

  • Delivery no. (field SDHNUM)

The delivery number is used to identify the delivery in a unique fashion. This number is either assigned automatically or entered upon each delivery creation with respect to the setup of the Sequence number(s) associated to the chosen Delivery type.
If the delivery sequence number is set to automatic assignment then this field cannot be accessed and the number is assigned on creating the delivery.
Conversely, if the sequence number is set to manual assignment, the number can be entered manually. If it is not entered by the user, the system automatically assigns a delivery number according to the sequence number.


  • If they not entered at the level of the delivery type, the sequence numbers taken into account are the ones specified in the functionSequence number assignment.
  • If the company parameterSDHENDNBR - Final delivery sequence no. is set to 'Yes', a new delivery number is assigned upon validating the delivery. The former number is no longer displayed but it is saved in a dedicated field (TMPSDHNUM) in the table of deliveries.

The sales site is initialized by default by the sales site associated with the user.
It can only be accessed upon creating a direct delivery. In this case, the chosen site:

  • must have been identified as a sales and storage site,
  • must belong to the same legal company as the shipment site.
  • Order no. (field SOHNUM)

This number is initialized if the delivery is related to an order (traditional order or contract order). This information is not entered in the case of a multi-order delivery.

Code of the customer requesting the order, the direct delivery or the direct invoice. This code:

  • must be managed in the customer table,
  • must be of normal, miscellaneous or inter-company type,
  • can be modified as long as no line has been entered on the document.

This field indicates the code of the address to ship to.
You can view the detailed address information by clicking Address from the Actions icon.

  • On creation, this field is no longer accessible when a delivery line is created.
  • Once the delivery has been created, you can no longer modify this field but you can still display the detailed address information.
    You can modify the address after clicking Address/Delivery from the Actions panel.

It is the code for the bill-to customer, which is initialized by default with the customer code entered in the header.
This customer can be another customer chosen from the customer table.

It is possible to search a customer or several customer grouped under the same criteria by selecting 'Quick customer search'. A list of matching items is generated on tabulating to the next field.
For a more advanced search, all fields present in the block can be entered. The list of matches is narrowed down with each tabulation.

  • field BPINAM




Tab Lines


Stock data

The following information (that can be set up by transaction) makes it possible to enter, during the creation of the delivery line, the characteristics of the goods to be issued when they are known and when they are unique (a single lot number for example). Once the delivery has been created or the stock has been determined for the delivery line, the stock information for the delivery line is no longer directly accessible. To modify the stock lines to issue, use the Stock issues action available on the invoice line.

There are several ways of determining the stock to be issued:
Enter all the characteristics of the stock to be issued on the note line; these characteristics are always unique (one single lot, one single sublot, one single consecutive serial number range, etc.)
When there are multiple pieces of information for a single characteristic (for example several lots or serial numbers), you should not enter anything at the level of the delivery line: you must select the information via the Stock issues detail window which automatically opens once line entry is complete, or which is available from the Actions icon on the delivery line.

1/ When the information entered is sufficient to determine the stock line to be issued, the issue occurs on that basis. The automatic determination rules applied to stock to issue are the following:

  • If the product is managed by serial number (Receipt/Issue or Global receipt & issue), the serial numbers are necessary and sufficient. Other entered information is not used.
  • If the product is managed by lot or lot/sublot, the lot number or lot/sublot numbers are necessary. The following information is used if it has been entered:
    • The license plate number (in priority) or the location
    • The status, the identifiers 1 and 2
  • For the other products, at least one of these three pieces of information is needed.
    • The license plate number (in priority) or the location
    • Identifier 1
    • Identifier 2
If the product is not managed by location on the site, and identifiers 1 and 2 are not specified, then only one stock line corresponds to the information entered.

Example for a product managed by lot:

  • If the lot is not entered, but the status and location are entered, this information will not be used and the detailed allocation rule is run.
  • If the lot is entered, the container, or location, and status used to select the stock lines are considered. The stock quantity identified may be insufficient. In that case, the balance is completed with other stock lines based on the detailed allocation rule only (restricted by the issue rule).
  • If no stock line is available, the Stock issues detail window is automatically displayed.

Depending on the delivery transaction used, different operating modes are possible:

  • A movement code can be associated with delivery transactions on condition that a specific movement code has been defined for the movements of the type Delivery in the stock issue rules for the product category.
  • A specific movement code is used to define the different issue rules for certain transactions, notably for the authorized statuses and sub-statuses and for the management of the expired lots and picking locations.

2/ If the stock information entered on the note line does not allow to clearly determine the stock line to be issued, two different situations can arise:

The delivery transaction is set up for the automatic determination of the stock to be issued.
In this case, the system searches, at the end of the delivery line, for stock lines to be issued based on:

In this functioning mode, the stock information entered on the delivery line will be considered if at least the main characteristics for the product have been entered.

The delivery transaction is not set up for the automatic determination of the stock to be issued.
In this case, the system opens the Stock issues detailed entry window: you must explicitly define the stock to be issued. The stock information entered on the note line are used as filters for the presentation of the stock lines and/or serial number to be selected from the picking lists of the Stock issues window.

In both methods described above, the functioning will be the same when the product to be delivered possesses no specific stock characteristic. In this case, the allocation algorithm will be systematically triggered at the end of the line to determine the stock to issue according to the unit and status. If the status is entered on the delivery line, it is used as an exclusive filter. If no stock line is found in this status, the detail window automatically opens to let the user determine the stock to be issued.

On completing the entry of a delivery line, several cases are possible: They are materialized by default using the following color codes, determined in the Presentation styles function.

  • The product on the delivery line is displayed in red (AWARNHIGH code).
    The stock lines to be issued have not been completely determined. If you need to access the stock information of the delivery line, or the detail of the lines to issue, click Stock issue from the Actions icon available on the delivery line. Whilst a line is in this situation, it will be impossible to create or save the delivery.
  • The product on the delivery line is displayed in blue (AWARNLOW code).
    The lines of stock to be issued have not been completely determined, but the balance has been saved as a shortage (this is only possible for the products with authorized negative stock or for commercial kit components, even if these do not authorize negative stock - this is to ensure the management of BOM links). A control will then be carried out during the confirmation of the delivery. It is not possible to directly access the stock information in the delivery line. It will be necessary to use the detail window to modify the stock to issue.
  • The product on the delivery line is displayed in black.
    The stock to issue has been determined. You cannot access the stock information on the delivery line directly. You have to use the detail window to modify the stock to be issued.

If for a delivery line; there is a stock sub-detail (several stock lines selected), the presence of this sub-detail will be identified by the $ sign in the column(s) characterizing the stock having a sub-detail (for instance, a $ in the lot column signifies that several lot numbers are associated with the delivery line).

When the delivery is created or saved, the selected stock lines are allocated in detail to the delivery title. The identified shortages will lead to the generation of allocations with shortages with any stock information if they have been entered in the stock detail screen (Lot number, etc.).




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Shipment (field SHIDAT)

The shipment date is the date used to determine the date of the good issue. 
This is the stock actual posting date: it is used as posting date in the stock journal.

If the delivery comes from an order, the shipment date is initialized according to the value of parameter INISHIDAT - Shipment date initialization (chapter VEN, group SSD). It can be:

  • the current date,
  • or the planned shipment date of the order, if this date is not earlier than the current date, otherwise it is the current date which is used.

A delivery note cannot be validated with a shipment date greater than the current date.

In the case of an order delivery, if this date is changed, a message is displayed, proposing a new price list search when the user parameter SDHRECPRI - Order delivery price search (chapter VEN, SSD group) is set to 'Yes'. When it is set to ‘No’, the price of the order is kept. 

  • Delivery lead time (field DAYLTI)

The delivery lead time is initialized by default:

  • according to the ship-to customer record (in the case of a direct shipment)
  • or by the lead time entered on the order. The latter can be modified and is used to recalculate the 'delivery date' with respect to the 'shipment date'.
  • Delivery (field DLVDAT)

The delivery date corresponds to the date on which the goods will be received by the customer and the ownership transfer will be made. The search of the tax rates to apply is based on this date.
It is calculated from the Shipment date to which the Delivery lead-time has been added. This date can be modified.
In the case of an order delivery, if this date is changed, a message is displayed, proposing a new price list search when the user parameter SDHRECPRI - Order delivery price search (chapter VEN, SSD group) is set to ‘Yes’. When it is set to ‘No’, the price of the order is kept.
SEEINFOIf the calculated or entered delivery date corresponds to a non-working day defined in the customer delivery address, the delivery date is then automatically moved to the first working date following the initial delivery date.
If the calculated or entered delivery date corresponds to an unavailability period in the customer delivery address, a warning message signals it.

  • Loan return (field LNDRTNDAT)

The 'loan return' date is initialized by the 'loan return' date defined in the order if it is a delivery coming from an order. Otherwise, it is not initialized and must be entered manually. This date is used if required, to invoice a loan delivery from the moment the 'loan date' is exceeded and the loaned goods have still not been returned by the customer. This date must be greater than or equal to the 'delivery date'.


This is corresponds to the currency of the order, delivery or invoice.
It is initialized by default with the bill-to customer currency and can be modified. In this case, it can only be modified in creation and duplication modes and is controlled in the currency table.

It is possible to choose the currency for the delivery transaction as well as to define (depending on the value of the 'Excl. tax and Incl. tax Prices' parameter - TC Chapter / INV/NOTATI group) if the prices are expressed excluding tax or including tax. When the delivery comes from an order, this information is automatically loaded and cannot be modified. When it is a direct delivery, this information is no longer modifiable once at least one delivery line is entered. It is inherited in this case from the invoiced customer information.

  • Price type (field PRITYP)

The value of this field (Ex-tax or Tax-incl.) is defined by the general parameter SALPRITYP - Price/Amount type (TC chapter, INV group).

When the general parameter NOTATI - Ex-tax and tax-incl. amount/price (TC chapter, INV group) is set to No you cannot modify this information.


  • Warehouse (field WRHE)

The presence of this box is subject to the activity code WRH.
Movement warehouse, suggested by default for all the document lines.
It must be entered if it is defined as mandatory at the level of the entry transaction.
It is loaded in priority with the warehouse defined for the user. If it fails to be set up at user lever, it is initialized with the warehouse defined, by default, at site level for this type of movement.

  • Intersite (field BETFCY)

This information is not accessible and is loaded depending on the context. The lines in the table are used to enter products, quantities, prices, discounts and charges... related to the delivery.

This non modifiable information specifies whether the order is of the inter-site or inter-company type.

  • When the delivery concerns an 'inter-site' customer (site of the same company), it cannot be invoiced.
  • When the delivery concerns an 'inter-company' customer (site of a different company), an invoice can be generated.
  • Intercompany (field BETCPY)


Table number 1

  • Product (field ITMREF)

It is the product reference for which a document line is recorded. It is possible to:

  • directly enter a product reference or a Product/Customer reference. The existence of this reference is controlled in the 'Product/Sales' and 'Product/Customer' records. If a 'Product-customer' reference is entered, the system will return the internal product reference. A blocking message can be returned during a product entry if prohibited price lists have been set up for some customers ( see price list setup).
  • use the contextual button to:
      • select a product from the file of sold products,
      • select a product from the list of customer products,
      • select a subcontractor shortage, in case of shortage for a subcontracted product,
      • create, according to the user's access rights, a product in the file,
      • view the price lists for the product.

The entry of the product is used to initialize the Description and Sales unit fields, which can be modified. The sales unit can be modified on the condition that it is chosen from the suggested list that contains the sales and packing units from the product and product-customer records.

At this stage, a warning message can appear that to inform the user of the replacement of the entered product by the substitute product. This automatic substitution only takes place when the following two conditions are fulfilled:

  • The fieldArticle of substitution of the plug article has been entered,
  • the document date is greater than or equal to the substitution date.

SEEWARNING Once the lie is populated, the product code can no longer be modified. The line has to be deleted and recreated to modify the code.

  • Description (field ITMDES)

This is the product description translated into the customer language. This description is the one that will be printed on the document. If the translation does not exist in the customer language, the un-translated product description is used. This description is also transferred to the next document.

SEEINFOThe product record can be accessed from this field using a tunnel.

  • Standard description (field ITMDES1)

This is the description entered on the product record. This description is transferred from the sales invoice to the purchase invoice in case of inter-company invoicing. When the invoice stems from another document, the standard description is inherited from the source line.

  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)

This field displays the major version of the product.

The major version number can be accessed if the tracking of major versions is active at the level of the product setup (in the Management tab of the Product function, the Stock version field is set to 'Major').

If the preloading of versions is active at the product/customer level (in the Customers tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), or by default, at the product/sales level (in the Sales tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), then the last active major version is preloaded automatically. Otherwise, the last major version with the 'Stopped' status will be preloaded.

The picking of orders, open orders, picking ticket et subcontract shortages will lead to the transfer and control of version numbers on the delivery.

For automatic deliveries of orders and picking tickets, version numbers are transferred and the control on versions is applied to the delivery.

If the version is not correct, a message of information is displayed in the log file.

  • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)

This field displays the minor version of the product.

The minor version number can only be accessed if the tracking of major and minor versions is active at the level of the product setup (in the Management tab of the Product function, the Stock version field is set to 'Major and minor').

If the preloading of versions is active at the product/customer level (in the Customers tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), or by default, at the product/sales level (in the Sales tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), then the last active minor version is preloaded automatically.

The picking of orders, open orders, picking ticket et subcontract shortages will lead to the transfer and control of version numbers on the delivery.

For automatic deliveries of orders and picking tickets, version numbers are transferred and the control on versions is applied to the delivery.

If the version is not correct, a message of information is displayed in the log file.

The sales unit is initialized by the sales unit defined in the Product-customer record, if it exists, if not, it will be initialized by the sales unit of the product. Entry of another unit is possible in a selection window. The suggested units, other than those mentioned previously, are the packing units for the product and the packing units defined in the Product-customer record. When necessary, and if you have been granted the appropriate authorizations, you can access the units table.

Once the line is entered, you can no longer modify the sales unit. You must delete the line and recreate it to be able to modify the unit.

  • Delivered qty. (field QTY)

It is the quantity ordered by the customer. It is expressed in sales units.

You can modify this quantity. However, when delivering products related to a task, the quantity entered must be equal or lower than the quantity remaining to be delivered, or the quantity allocated on the task and remaining to be delivered if the product is managed in stock.

If you have already created a delivery line with a lower quantity than the remaining quantity to be delivered, this line corresponds to a partial delivery of the task. In this case, the remaining quantity remains attached to the task, so you cannot change the quantity on this delivery line. You must either delete the created line and create a new one with the desired total quantity, or create a new delivery line or delivery with the remaining quantity to be delivered.

  • SAL-STK conv. (field SAUSTUCOE)

This is the conversion factor between the sales unit and the stock unit. This coefficient can be modified in certain cases. It can be edited if the sales unit of the product has been specified as 'editable', or if the chosen packing unit has also been specified as 'Editable' (See Product record). It cannot be edited if the unit used is a unit defined for the customer. If units are used where the factor is modifiable, it is necessary to define for the product concerned, only prices expressed in stock unit. In addition, if a basic price list has been defined for the sales unit, the modification of the conversion factor for the sales unit does not trigger a recalculation of the unit gross price.

SEEINFO Once the line entered, it is no longer possible to modify the conversion factor. The line must be deleted and recreated so as to modify the factor.

This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:

  • The stock
  • The standard price
  • The BOM link quantity, etc.

This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified.

  • Gross price (field GROPRI)

Help common to the Order and Buyer plan functions.

Use this field to determine the gross and excluding tax unit price of the product. This price is expressed in order unit if the Unit field is declared as accessible at the time of entry in the transaction, if not, it is expressed in purchase unit.

When the main information for the line has been given, a price list search process is automatically carried out. The objective of this search is to recover:

  • The gross price and the associated reason.
    If the order (or purchase) unit is different from that of the price list line:
    - The price list amount is converted if the value of the Unit conversion is set to 'Yes' at the Pricing parameters level. This conversion is based on the unit conversion coefficient table. If no conversion is set up between these units, the price list amounts are those that are considered by applying a 1 conversion rate.
    - The price list is not used if the value of the Unit conversion is set to 'No' at the Pricing parameters level The value of the gross price is set to '0'.
  • The charges and discounts in percentages or in amounts to be applied to the line level as well as the associated reasons.

When the entered price is null, a message appears to request confirmation from the user.

In the Price field, you can use the Actions icon to:

  • View and modify the Discount and Cost fields defined using the structure code associated with the supplier. The values contained in these fields come from the price list search and can be modified if the associated reason allows it.
  • View the reasons associated with the price as well as the different discounts and charges fields
  • View the price lists
  • Re-initialize the price, as well as the discounts and costs, by requesting a new price list search.

The entry of other data on the line depends on the selected transaction. This is the case for example for the Site information, Quality control code, etc.

Inter-company specificities: Within the framework of an inter-site or inter-company order, if the inter-company price lists have been set up, they will be used in the same way as normal price lists. When the sales order is generated, the prices and the discounts calculated for the reciprocal sales order will be determined from the inter-company price lists or the normal price lists. In no case will the prices and discounts entered in the purchase order be transferred to the sales order. The prices between the sales and purchasing documents can change independently. The reconciliation is made at the time of invoicing.

  • field DISCRGVAL1

Help common to the Sales and Purchase modules.

The displayed discount and cost columns are linked to the setup of the price lists structure code associated with the supplier in said supplier's record.
These columns can be initialized by means of the price lists (see the Sales pricing setup and Price list entry documentations).

Access to these columns can depend on the setup of the reasons associated with the price lists as well as the value of the reason given to the

These discounts or costs are defined in amount or in percentage and they are applied with a totaling or cascading method to the gross price to determine the net price of the document line.

From the Actions icon, you can:

  • View the reasons associated with the price as well as the different discounts and costs fields
  • Modify, if necessary, the reasons allocated to each column.
  • Net price (field NETPRI)

This is the unitary net price for the receipt line calculated from the gross price affected by any discounts and charges. This information cannot be accessed.
From this field, use the Actions icon to:

  • View the reasons associated with the price as well as the different discounts and charges fields
  • View the list of the last 10 order prices
  • View the price lists
  • Have a detailed explanation available describing how the net price is obtained

If the entered price is null, a message appears to request confirmation. However, this message is not displayed for the components of a BOM, for free items and for deliveries not to be invoiced.

A process for the Free items is triggered at the end of the delivery line. This processing generates all the free product lines (Gross price and discounts set to 0). If the value of the FOCPRI - Free product valuation parameter (VEN chapter, PRI group) is ‘Yes’, a price list search is triggered for the free item to assign it a gross price. The assigned price is compensated for, either by a line discount in percentage or a line discount in amount (according to the order of discounts) to obtain a zero net price.

When you click Create to save the delivery, and based on the value of the GRPPRI - Grouped price lists parameter, a message can be displayed, suggesting that a new price list search is run to determine the specificities globally linked to the delivery. At the end of the processing, the following can be generated on some product lines:

  • a new gross price or new discounts or new charges for the line,
  • free products that are not associated with a specific line.
  • Cost price (field CPRPRI)

The 'cost price' is populated by default with the valuation of the product chosen for the margin calculation (see the valuation methods defined for the Product-Site record) at the time of the creation of the document line and is expressed in sales unit. The various possible choices for the cost price valuation are: Standard price, Revised standard price, Last price, Weighed average price, FIFO price, Lot average price and LIFO price. If the valuation method happened to return a zero value, a default value is used by specifying another valuation method contained in the list previously described. This value is stored in the "document" line.

It is possible to preload this information according to the document transaction used. Still, during the following events, the entered value is systematically replaced by the value originating from the setup of the valuation method for the product, except if this setup determines a null value (in which case the change is saved):

  • Turning a quote into an order
  • Delivering an order 
  • Validating a delivery
  • Invoicing an order The cost price is fixed when invoicing a delivery

In quote management, the 'lot average price' always returns a null value. A default value is used. During the delivery validation, the 'Lot average price' is used to recalculate the margin and obtain a real margin depending on the shipped lot(s).

  • Margin (field PFM)

This field displays the margin in sales unit, calculated based on the difference between the net price and the cost price.

During the gross margin calculation, a control can be carried out to verify that this margin is not below the minimum threshold defined in the Sales tab in the Product record. This control can be blocked according to the value attributed to the user parameter SDACLOK - Non block. control price, prof, qty (VEN chapter, AUZ group). The calculation carried out to control the margin rate is the following:

(Ex-tax price - Cost price) / Total ex-tax price) *100 >= percentage of the minimum margin.

No control is carried out on nonbillable deliveries.

This field indicates the tax level applied to the selected product.

The tax level, when crossed with the document tax rule, is used to determine the tax rate to be applied on the document line.

There are three tax levels for a document line.

The first level is compulsory and it corresponds to the VAT.

The other two levels concern additional and special taxes that can be submitted to the VAT or not, and be applied to the ex-tax basis or any other evaluated formula.

The tax levels for the document line will be loaded by default with the values associated with the product record (Accounting tab). These values can be modified depending on the transaction. You can also, if the user's authorizations permit it, access the tax level management.

The parameter CTLTAX - Tax codes control (VEN chapter, VAT group) is used to control that the tax codes linked to the tax level are consistent. Using this control, the system checks that the tax level:

  • is specified,
  • is activated,
  • has a legislation and company group consistent with the ones of the document.

Enter the code to use in order to override the default SST tax code from the product or invoice element. This tax code is recognized by Sage Sales Tax and is used to identify line types for tax purposes. This field is available only if the LTA - Local taxing activity code is activated, and the USATAX - Tax system user parameter is set to Yes.

For invoicing elements designated as the SST document discount for a company, you cannot remove the SST tax code value on the document.

The project code in document line is initialized by the one entered in the header or, in the case of a document transformation, by the one of the selected document lines (in picking or in mass processing, if the project code on a document line is inactive, the line cannot be selected).

It can only be modified if one of the two following conditions are met:

In modification mode, the project code management depends on the value of the CTLOPPCOD - Mandatory project control parameter.

  • When the value is No, it may be a code selected freely.
  • When its value is Yes, an existence check is systematically applies to the entered project code.

When the entry is controlled, depending on the context, a project or one of its entities can be picked (a budget batch or task), using its posting code:

The project allocation code is composed of:
  • The project sequence number for projects.
  • The concatenated project sequence number with the budget batch code for a project budget batch.
  • The concatenated project sequence number with the number of tasks for a project task.
You can only select one Active posting code depending on the status of the relevant entity. If it becomes inactive after the creation of the document, the control is performed and blocks the modification of the document.

For non-deliverable Service products, you can select a project set with progress billing if the PJM activity code is active. Once the order has been recorded, you can view it in the Project management (GESPJM) function in the generated billing plan, linked to the selected project.

When the project code of the document header is modified, this project code is automatically transferred to the lines, except when the multi-project management is authorized. In this case, a dialog box would open and suggest to transfer this code to the lines of the document, according to the following options:

  • Yes: The project code is applied to all lines, excluding lines linked to a billing plan and lines with an incompatible milestone.
  • No: The project code is not transferred to the lines.
  • Same value: The project code is only transferred to the lines associated to the previous project code.

Sales documents: Quotes, orders, deliveries and invoices:

- If lines are impacted, a dialog box opens requesting a recalculation of prices and discounts. If you answer 'Yes', the price list search is run based on the new project code for all document lines.

- If the project code is modified on the line, the same price list search process applies to the line.

Depending on the processed document, the recalculation is performed only if the following conditions are met:

  • For a quote: The item line is not ordered and is not free.
  • For an order: The item line is not closed, not delivered, not invoiced nor free.
  • For a delivery: The item line is direct and not free.
  • For an invoice or a direct credit: the document is not validated, the item line is direct and not free. For direct credits, the quantity is different from 0.

Deliveries linked to a task:

The header project code displays the project code linked to the first selected task.

  • If multi-project management of documents is enabled (PJTSNGDOC - One project per document parameter set to No), the delivery can include direct delivery lines and product lines linked to tasks. The header project code is used as the default value on direct delivery lines only. Product lines linked to tasks keep their project code, which cannot be modified. If the header project code is modified, the application of this code to the lines is suggested, as described above. This only applies to direct delivery lines.
  • If multi-project management of documents prohibited (PJTSNGDOC - One project per document parameter set to Yes), the delivery cannot include both direct delivery lines and product lines linked to tasks.
    • When the delivery is for direct delivery lines, you cannot enter a project code in the header that is already used on tasks.
    • When the delivery is for product lines linked to tasks, you can only enter product lines linked to the same task. The header project code can then be used to filter tasks in the selection panel.

Specific case of free items generated by the price list search after updating the header project code: The free item displays the project code of its source product but only if this code is not used on a task.

  • Warehouse (field WRH)

The presence of this field is subject to the WRH activity code.
It defaults to the value of the warehouse specified in the header.

  • This field can be modified if it is defined as available for entry at the level of the entry transaction.
    When this field is entered, it is used as a filter for stock detail line selection and cannot be modified.
    When this field is not entered, the warehouse defined by default for this type of movement in the product-site record is used as the selection filter.
  • It cannot be modified when the entry transaction is set up as single-warehouse managed. The header warehouse is then mandatory and the warehouse cannot be entered either on the document lines or on the stock detail lines.
    To manage multiple warehouses on the lines, the entry must be set up at the entry transaction level. The selection of a single product line distributed over multiple warehouses is available by clicking Enter detailed quantities from the Actions icon.
    If a single product line is distributed over multiple warehouses, the corresponding fields display the '$' character.

SEEINFOThe warehouse entered on the line has priority over the warehouse entered in the header.

  • Lot (field LOT)

If the product is managed by lot then, on manual creation of the delivery line or when the stock to be issued has not been determined, it possible to enter a lot existing in the 'shipment site'.
A selection window accessed by right click on the field is used to select a lot number. 
It is also possible to enter a lot number which does not exist in stocks.
A message then informs the user that no lot exists. This alternative is provided so it is possible to record a lot number that has never been entered even though the goods are physically available. This method can only be applied when negative stock is authorized for the product and when the delivery transaction is set up with no stock determination. In the case of a delivery transaction with stock determination, this lot is only considered if the product if in complete shortage (the detailed allocation algorithm will attempt to allocate stock first).

  • Sublot (field SLO)

Indicates the sub-lot to be issued.

It is not necessary to enter it in the following cases:

  • the issue is a multi-lot one
  • all characteristics of the stock to be issued are not entered (lot, sub-lot, serial no., location)

If the product is managed with serial numbers, only this number is necessary to determine the stock to issue.
If this is not the case, the lot, sub-lot and location (depending on the management method for the product) are necessary.
There is no selection window for this field. The selection window is available on the lot field and makes it possible to choose the requested lot and sub-lot. When the lot is selected, the sub-lot it instantly initialized. Otherwise, it is also possible to enter a sub-lot number which does not exist. An information message will report it. Same remarks as for the lot number in this context.

  • Starting serial number (field SERNUM)

This field is used to enter the first serial number (Start) to issue. The last serial number (End) will be automatically calculated.

  • It is not necessary to enter the start serial number when the serial numbers to issue are not in a row.
  • If the product is managed with serial numbers, only this number is necessary to determine the stock to issue.
  • If this is not the case, the lot, sub-lot and location (depending on the management method for the product) are necessary.

  • Ending serial number (field SERNUMF)

This is the serial number of the product.

  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)
  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)
  • Location (field LOC)

If the product is managed by location at the 'shipment site' then, on manual creation of the delivery line or when the stock to be issued has not been determined, it possible to enter a location existing in the 'shipment site'. A selection window accessed by right click on the field is used to select a location.

This field is subject to the LPN - License plate no. management activity code.
It refers to the license plate number of the container impacted by the issue.

  • Status (field STA)

Irrespective of the product used, there is the possibility, during manual creation of the delivery line or when the stock to be issued has not been determined, to enter a status for the stock to be issued.
A selection window accessed by right click on the field is used to select any status that has been defined.

  • Movement description (field MVTDES)

Enter a free description that will be registered in all the stock transactions associated with the delivery line.
This description is also accessible from the stock issue detail window. If it has been modified by this function, it will be automatically recovered and registered on the shipment line in this field.

  • Packaging capacity (field PCKCAP)

It is the number of products, expressed in sales unit, that the packaging can contain.
This value is initialized by default with the quantity entered in the product-site record.

The weight unit.

  • Unit weight (field UNTWEI)

The weight is calculated by conversion of the sales unit into stock unit and considering the conversion coefficient between these two units if this has been modified. It is loaded from the product.

  • Location reference (field USEPLC)

Use this field to specify the consumption place for the carrier or to define an address complement.

Examples: Dock xx or Hall yy.

The place of consumption is written on the order document.

Inter-company specificities: for inter-company or inter-site orders, the consumption location is transferred to the generated sales order line.

The analytical dimensions are initialized according to the setup of Default dimensions, associated with the management of delivery lines. Depending on the setup, they remain available for modification.
When an analytical dimension is used for project management tracking, any modification of the project code on the document line leads to the dimension code being reset based on the Default dimensions setup.

  • Return quantity (field RTNQTY)

This field contains the quantity ordered by the customer and expressed in sales unit. It is initialized by default with the quantity left to return and remains modifiable. A quantity comprised between 0 and the quantity that left to return may be entered.

  • Order no. (field XSOHNUM)

The order number allows the order to be identified in a unique way. This number is assigned automatically or entered whenever an order is created based on the parameterization of the counter associated with the order type chosen.

If the order counter is defined with automatic allocation, the order number field is not accessible and the counter is assigned to the order creation. Conversely, if the order counter is defined with manual allocation, it is possible to enter it manually. If it is not entered at the moment of creation, the system will automatically assign an order number according to the counter.

  • Original document (field VCRNUMORI)

This is the journal number at the origin of the requirement.

  • Validated line (field LINCFMFLG)

This column is only displayed if the POS - Delivery validation by line activity code is set to 'Yes' and if the entry transaction authorizes the display of the delivery status. When this activity code is set to 'Yes', the stock update applies to the delivery line when the line is validated. During the validation processing, some lines may not be validated due to errors or conflicts when accessing the updated tables, for example.

This check box indicates if the line is validated or not.

Line totals

  • Excluding tax (field DLVNOT)



  • Excluding tax (field DLVINVNOT)

This field specifies the tax excl. result that integrates the various elements of the selected products.
This information appears when printing report BONLIV.
SEEINFO The detail of the calculation is stored in tablesSVCRVAT andSVCRFOOT.

  • Including tax (field DLVINVATI)

This field indicates the tax incl. total, which includes:

  • the various invoicing elements of the selected products,
  • the tax calculation by tax basis.

This information appear upon printing of the BONLIV report.
The detail of the tax incl. calculation is obtained by right click on the total amount.
SEEINFO The detail of the calculation is stored in theSVCRVAT andSVCRFOOT tables.

In order to access the 'Incl. tax Valuation' screen, click on the incl. tax field.

Pick ticket

  • Printed (field PRNNPR)

This field cannot be entered. It is used to inquire whether pick tickets have been printed.

Packing slip

  • Printed (field PRNNDE)

This field cannot be entered. It is used to inquire whether packing slips have been printed.

  • Partially validated (field CFMPAR)

This check box only displays when the PDV - Delivery validation by line activity code is set to 'Yes' and when the entry transaction authorizes the display of the delivery status.

This check box cannot be accessed. It is automatically selected when the delivery is partially validated, that is to say when one or multiple delivery lines could not be validated. You can identify the relevant lines by referring to:

  • The log file that displays at the end of the validation processing;
  • The Validated column of each line.

  • Posted (field CFMFLG)

This flag cannot be accessed. It is automatically selected upon validation of the delivery.

  • Return status (field RTNSTA)

This field indicates the delivery status in case of delivery return. The values of this field are as follows:

Not returned

This value indicates that no product has been returned.


This value indicates that the products of the delivery have all been returned.

Partially returned

This value indicates that some products of the delivery have been returned.

SEEINFOThis status is updated automatically when creating a delivery return.

  • Invoiced (field INVFLG)

This field indicates if the delivery has been invoiced.
If the delivery has been invoiced, the invoice number is specified next to this check box. Based on your user authorizations, you may directly jump to the invoice (only one invoice can be used for invoicing a delivery).

This field is not displayed in the case of nonbillable deliveries.

  • Invoice no. (field SIHNUM)

Invoice number linked to the delivery.



Action icon

Stock Issues

This Stock issues function is available for all products managed in stock provided the delivery has not been confirmed. It is used to choose, to modify or to view the stock lines to issue for a delivery line.

Issue modification

This function is available when:

  • the delivery is confirmed,
  • the delivery line concerns a product managed in stock,
  • the delivery has not been returned, if it is a non-billable delivery.
It is used to modify the stock transaction(s) associated with the delivery line by authorizing the modification of the shipped quantities and the issued stock characteristics (lot, sub-lot, serial number, etc.).

If the stock movement quantity is decreased, the delivery is automatically updated and a negative issue is generated.

If a null quantity is entered for the stock movement, the delivery line will be deleted. If there is only one delivery line, the delivery is deleted and the following warning message will be displayed: “Warning, Shipped quantity is 0 and there is only one line on this shipment. The delivery will be deleted.”

Particular case of kits (the same limit does not exist for all kits)

  • If the kit parent product or kit components are managed in stock, the Issue modification action is available, but only to modify the features of the issued stock. This function cannot modify quantities because the quantity of links must be equal for kits.
  • If the parent product or components are not managed in stock, the Issue modification action is not available.

Delivery line linked to a product line associated with a task:

  • Entering a greater quantity is only possible for products not managed in stock, if the quantity to be delivered remains less than or equal to the quantity on the task’s product line.
  • Entering a lower quantity will update the inventory with the undelivered quantity reinstated. However, this quantity is not reallocated on the product line associated with the task. To make a new delivery from this product line associated with the task, you must first perform a manual allocation from this line. If the product line associated with the task was partially delivered, the WIP orderon theEnterprise Planning is updated: the remaining quantity to be delivered is increased. If the product line associated with the task was fully delivered, a new WIP order is created on the Enterprise planning with a quantity remaining to be delivered corresponding to the reintegrated stock.
Quantity change
Detail valuation

When the delivery line comes from an order, this function is used to access the original order.

Contract SO

When the delivery line originates from an open order, this function is used to access the original order.

Picking ticket text

This function is used to enter or modify the picking text on the line to be printed on the pick ticket.
This text can be initialized on the delivery line by the picking text defined on the product or the customer product (the customer product text has priority).

Delivery text

Click this action to enter or modify the delivery text on the line to be printed on the packing slip.
This text can be initialized on the delivery line by the sales text defined on the product or customer product (the product text has priority), depending on the value of the SALTEXLIN - Product text tracking (VEN chapter, TEX group) general parameter.

Price explanation

Click this action to explain the net price calculation of the delivery line, by application of the different discounts on the gross price of the product.

Subcon shortages

Click this action to select the products to be reordered for the chosen sub-contractor (these are the shortages reported at the supplier location as part of a subcontract operation).
Click OK to return the displayed lines and create as many delivery lines as necessary.
It should be noted that the goods to be transferred must be defined as being fit to be sold (See product categories).

Stock by site

Click this action to access the stock by site inquiry for the product on the delivery line.

Sales journal traceability

Click this action to directly access the Documents traceability function and view or browse the hierarchy of documents at the origin of, or originating from, the relevant document.

Picking ticket

When the delivery originates from a pick ticket, click this action to display its reference and directly access the original pick ticket.

Del line situation display
Product information




Tab Management


The information in this section comes from the customer record or the order at the origin of the delivery. They can be modified one by one.

Invoice Element

This information relative to the invoice footer (in the table at the bottom right of the section) can come from the order or directly from the footer elements or the record of the customer concerned with the delivery (see the Invoicing elements documentation). The footer values can be modified. The ex-tax and tax-incl. amounts of the document are directly impacted by these values.

SEEWARNINGWhen you modify a delivery by adding/deleting an order, a pick ticket, one or several lines from an order, the amounts of the invoicing elements are not recalculated taking into account the added/deleted lines. The share of the invoicing elements relating to these lines is not added/subtracted from the modified invoice.




The following fields are present on this tab :


The Pay-by BP is initialized by default by the pay-by BP associated with the sold-to customer in the latter's record in the case of a direct delivery. Otherwise, the pay-by BP of the original order is used.

It is possible to:   

  • modify the pay-by BP if necessary,
  • select a BP or access BP management by tunnel if user authorizations allow it.

SEEINFO Special features linked to the inter-company: in the case of an inter-company order automatically generated from a purchase order, the pay-by BP corresponds to the customer associated with the invoicing site entered in the purchase order. It cannot be modified in this context.

The group customer is initialized by the group customer code associated to the sold-to customer in the latter's record. This information is used for the generation of statistics. It is also involved in the grouping of invoices during the automatic generation of invoices. There is the possibility to modify the group customer if necessary.
From this field, it is possible to select a customer or access customer management by tunnel if the user's authorizations allow it.

It is possible to search a customer or several customer grouped under the same criteria by selecting "Quick customer search". A list of matching items is generated on tabulating to the next field.
For a more advanced search, all fields present in the block can be entered. The list of matches is narrowed down with each tabulation.


  • Route no. (field DRN)

This code, which is controlled by a local menu, is used to generate the delivery notes according to the route code defining for example, a geographic zone. This information is defined by the customer delivery address.

This code is used to define the information related to the transport and delivery. It is managed in the Delivery Method table. It is initialized from the ship-to customer.

This field indicates the code that identifies the Carrier liable for the transportation of the goods.

This information comes from the order or from the customer delivery address. The carrier, the weight and the volume as well as the delivery address are used to determine, when managed, the carrier price list whether or not it is invoiced to the customer. The invoice footer, specified in general parameter FRENUM - Carrier invoice elements (chapter VEN, group INV) contains the invoiced delivery charge. Invoicing the delivery charge depends on the delivery charge invoicing method associated to the customer and, regarding the freight application threshold method, from the thresholds specified on the carrier record. When the carrier, weight or volume data are changed, a message suggests to search for the carrier pricelist.

  • When the carrier, weight or volume data are changed, a message suggests to search for the carrier pricelist.
    - If the answer is 'No', the amount of the freight remains the amount entered on the order.
    - If the answer is 'Yes' and the new carrier is not subject to pricelist management, then the freight amount entered on the order is maintained.
    - If the answer is 'Yes' and the new carrier is subject to pricelist management, then the freight amount is recalculated according to the carrier pricelist.
  • When the entered carrier data is subject to pricelist management and a transport amount is entered on the order, a message suggests to replace the transport amount by the search result on the carrier pricelist.
    - If the answer is 'No', the transport amount on the order is recovered on the delivery.
    - If the answer is 'Yes', the transport amount is recalculated according to the pricelist.
  • Proforma no. (field PRFNUM)

This is the number of the pro forma invoice associated with the document. The generated pro forma number is displayed if a pro forma invoice is created from this document. A tunnel then makes is possible to access the invoice.

The Incoterm codes, set by the International Chamber of Commerce, seek to standardize the terms the most used in the international commerce by defining the respective responsibilities of the seller and the buyer agreed upon on establishement of the sales contract by a unique word similarly understood throughout the world.

The Incoterm code, controlled in Incoterm table is used in the INTRASTAT file (Exchange of goods declaration). It can also be used to define the price lists.

When creating a quote, an order, a delivery or an invoice, the Incoterm code is initialized to the Incoterm code defined by default for the ship-to customer.

This Incoterm code can be modified. Concerning the quotes and orders, the Incoterm code is unique for the document as a whole. When transforming a document, the Incoterm code is passed on to the child document.

SEEINFO The code and the Incoterm city can also be accessed via the menuOptions / Informations douanières.

  • Incoterm town (field ICTCTY)

It is the city associated to some types of incoterm. For example: FOB Le Havre. A selection window is used to choose a city listed in the system. It is however possible to enter a city that is not listed.

  • BOL number (field BOLNUM)

This field displays the bill of lading number for this delivery.

  • Trailer/Seal number (field TRAILER)

This field displays the trailer or seal number from the bill of lading.

  • SCAC code (field SCAC)

This field displays the SCAC code (Standard Carrier Alpha Code) from the bill of lading. This field is only available if the 'KUS - Localization USA' activity code and the USABOL - Bill of Lading parameter (LOC chapter, USA group) are set to "Yes".

The SCAC code is a unique code used to identify transportation companies.

  • PRO number (field PRONUM)

This field displays the PRO number from the bill of lading. This field is only available if the 'KUS - Localization USA' activity code and the USABOL - Bill of Lading parameter (LOC chapter, USA group) are set to "Yes".

The PRO number is a tracking number. It is used by some carriers to track the progress of each shipment.

Payment and sales reps

Payment condition code. This code defines the payment code and the distribution rules of the various pre-payments and open items.
It is initialized by the bill-to BP and is controlled in the payment condition table.
Only a discount code consistent with the legislation and company group of the document site can be entered.
SEEREFERTTOThe general principles linked to the multi-legislation setup are detailed here.

It is possible to simulate a distribution thanks to the "Simulation" button. In order management, creation mode, the pre-payments corresponding to the payment condition are automatically created. The 'payment terms' code can be modified as long as no pre-payment has been made and the order has not been invoiced. Such a modification would then trigger the deletion of the already existing pre-payments followed by the creation of the pre-payments related to the new payment condition.

This information is entered in the quote and it is initialized by the discount code in the bill-to customer. It makes it possible to determine a series of early discount rates or late charges to be applied depending on whether the payment is early or late with respect to the due date.
Only a discount code consistent with the legislation and company group of the document site can be entered.
SEEREFERTTOThe general principles linked to the multi-legislation setup are detailed here.

SEEINFOIf the quote involves a prospect, this information is not initialized.

This information is used to indicate the tax rule for the document. This code is controlled in the tax rule table and is initialized by the corresponding code in the BP record. It can be modified.
This information is mandatory and remains accessible provided the delivery has not been confirmed.
Only a tax rule with a legislation and group that are consistent with those of the document can be entered.
SEEREFERTTOThe general principles linked to the multi-legislation setup are detailed here.


The sales reps are initialized by the customer sales reps, then by those of the ship-to customer, if no sales rep exists in the customer record. In the case of a prospect, the representatives of the prospect are not considered. These sales rep codes are copied to the document lines. If a representative is modified in the document header upon creation or when lines exist in the document, the system suggests to copy the modification to all the lines that already exist.

The management of the project code depends on the value of the CTLOPPCOD - Mandatory project control parameter (TC chapter, MIS group).

  • When the value is No, it may be a code selected freely.
  • When its value is Yes, an existence check is systematically applies to the entered project code.

When the entry is controlled, depending on the context, you can choose a project or one of the entities to be allocated to the project (budget lot, task) using the allocation code:

The project allocation code is composed of:

  • The project sequence number for projects.
  • The concatenated project sequence number with the budget batch code for a project budget batch.
  • The concatenated project sequence number with the number of tasks for a project task.

You can only select one active posting code, depending on the status of the relevant entity. If it becomes inactive after the creation of the document, the control is performed and blocks the modification of the document.

In creation mode, the project code is systematically transferred to the document lines where it can only be modified if the multi-project management of documents is authorized (the PJTSNGDOC - One project per document parameter is set to No).

During the transformation of a document, the project code of the header is initialized by the first selected document (if the project code of the original document header has become inactive, the one of the destination document is not loaded).

In modification, the project code modified in the header is recovered automatically in lines, except when the multi-project management is authorized in which case a dialog box will open and requests whether to transfer this code to the document lines with respect to the following options:

  • Yes: The project code is applied to all lines, excluding lines linked to a billing plan and lines with an incompatible milestone.
  • No: the project code is not transferred to the lines.
  • Same value: The project code is only transferred to the lines associated to the previous project code.

Sales documents: Quotes, orders, deliveries and invoices:

In case the project code is applied to the lines, a dialog box opens and suggests a recalculation of prices and discounts If you answer 'Yes', the price list search is run based on the new project code for all document lines. Depending on the processed document, the recalculation is performed only if the following conditions are met:

  • For a quote: It is not ordered.
  • For an order: It is not delivered (for standard orders) or not invoiced (for direct invoicing) and no line is closed.
  • For a delivery: it is not validated and the delivery is direct.
  • For an invoice or a credit memo: it is not validated and the invoice/credit memo is not direct.

The grouping of two or more documents with different project codes in the header is only authorized if the parameter PJTSNGDOC - One project per document is set to No. In this case, two orders with a distinct project code can be grouped on the same delivery note.

Deliveries linked to a task:

The header project code displays the project code linked to the first selected task.

  • If multi-project management of documents is enabled (PJTSNGDOC - One project per document parameter set to No), the delivery can include direct delivery lines and product lines linked to tasks. The header project code is used as the default value on direct delivery lines only. Product lines linked to tasks keep their project code, which cannot be modified. If the header project code is modified, the application of this code to the lines is suggested, as described above. This only applies to direct delivery lines.
  • If multi-project management of documents prohibited (PJTSNGDOC - One project per document parameter set to Yes), the delivery cannot include both direct delivery lines and product lines linked to tasks.
    • When the delivery is for direct delivery lines, you cannot enter a project code in the header that is already used on tasks.
    • When the delivery is for product lines linked to tasks, you can only enter product lines linked to the same task. The header project code can then be used to filter tasks in the selection panel.

Specific case of free items generated by the price list search after updating the header project code: The free item displays the project code of its source product but only if this code is not used on a task.

Intercompany specificities: For an intersite order, the project code automatically displays the project code of the purchase order. For an intercompany open order, the project code is not recovered from the purchase order and remains blank.


  • Net weight (field NETWEI)

Net weight of the delivery. This is the sum of the unit weights of the products (of the sales unit) multiplied by the quantities in SAL of the various lines constituting the delivery. This weight is automatically calculated but it can be modified.

The weight unit is defined by the weight unit of the first product in the delivery. If other products in the delivery do not have the same weight unit, the weight of these products will then be converted to the weight unit from the first line in the delivery note. The conversion between these units is applied as defined in the table Unit conversion. The weight unit does however remain modifiable.

The weight unit.

  • Gross weight (field GROWEI)

Indicates the net weight of the delivery (total weight of the different delivery lines) added to the weight of the various types of packaging used. This weight is initialized by the net weight, but it can be modified. The load preparation function impacts on the gross weight with the weight of the packaging because the parcels used can be assigned by this function.

  • Volume (field VOL)

This is the total volume of the packages of the document. The volume is automatically calculated by the load preparation function, but it can be modified.

The volume unit is defined by the volume unit of the first packaging from the delivery lines. If other products in the delivery do not have the same volume unit, the volume of the packaging for these products is converted to the volume unit for the first packaging in the delivery note. The conversion between these units is applied as defined in the table Unit conversion. The volume unit does however remain modifiable.

Code of the unit in which the package volume is given.
This unit has already been defined in the Units table.

  • No. of packages (field PACNBR)

This concerns the total number of packages in the delivery. This information is automatically calculated by the packaging function, but can still be modified.

Grid Invoicing elements

  • Description (field SHO)

This is the title of the invoicing element.

  • % or amount (field INVDTAAMT)

The values relate to the invoicing footer. This information can directly come from the setup of invoicing footer elements, from the record of the given customer or from the selected order.
SEEREFERTTO  See documentation of Invoicing elements for further information.
The footer values can be modified. The ex-tax and tax-incl. amounts of the document are directly impacted by these values.

SEEWARNING If a delivery is modified by deleting an order or one or several lines from an order, the amounts of the invoicing elements are not re-calculated and so deleted lines or orders are not taken into account: the invoicing elements related to these orders or lines are not taken from this modified delivery.

  • field INVDTATYP

The system specifies whether the invoicing element is a percentage or a tax excl. or tax incl. amount.

Enter the code to use in order to override the default SST tax code from the product or invoice element. This tax code is recognized by Sage Sales Tax and is used to identify line types for tax purposes. This field is available only if the LTA - Local taxing activity code is activated, and the USATAX - Tax system user parameter is set to Yes.

For invoicing elements designated as the SST document discount for a company, you cannot remove the SST tax code value on the document.



Action icon

Return to calculated value




Tab Add. info button


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Registration (field LICPLATE)

License plate of the vehicle carrying goods.

  • Trailer license plate (field TRLLICPLAT)

Enter the trailer license plate.

  • Departure date (field DPEDAT)

Displays the departure date for this delivery or return.

  • Departure time (field ETD)

Delivery departure time.

  • Arrival date (field ARVDAT)

Displays the arrival date for this delivery or return.

  • Arrival time (field ETA)

Delivery arrival time.


This information can only be entered in case of a shipment of sub-contractor type and, in this case, it is mandatory. It corresponds to the sub-contractor location that must be reordered in case of sub-contractor shortages. This location is initialized by default by the sub-contractor location defined in the ship-to customer record, then by the location defined in the supplier record if the location is not entered in the shipment address (on the condition that the location specified in the supplier exists in the shipment site). This location can however be modified from the moment the chosen location is of the sub-contractor type and belongs to the shipment site.

Stock data

Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used.
This statistical information is recorded in the stock journal when saving the receipt/disposal movements. This movement group comes from the miscellaneous table number 9. The value given in the transaction setup corresponds to a default value that can/cannot be visualized and/or modified according to the transaction setup (entered, displayed, hidden field).

Statistical information used in the stock transactions associated with the shipment. This value is fixed if the original document does not reference a movement group. Otherwise, the movement group of the document at the origin of the quality control is suggested in priority.

Grid Analytical

This table is used to enter or view the dimension types, depending on the setups of the delivery entry transaction.

  • Description (field NAMDIE)

This field repeats the title of the dimension type.

The analytical dimensions are initialized according to the Default dimensions setup, associated with the management of delivery headers. Depending on the setup, they remain available for modification.
When an analytical dimension is used for project management tracking, any modification of the project code on the document header leads to the dimension code being reset based on the Default dimensions setup. If the project code is used onto the lines, the dimension code of impacted lines is also reset.

Global document

  • Global document (field GLBDOC)

A global document refers to a shipment where the final delivery details (customer sites and quantities) are not known at departure time.

Example: A company sells baked goods and delivers them to several customers' sites. The truck leaves with 1,000 units of baked goods, but it is not know how many will be delivered to each customer site. When all the deliveries are complete, the detail / normal shipping note is created and linked to the global document.

If the current record ponds to the example above, you must select the Global document check box for the record to be associated with the final transport and to disable the fields relating to the global transportation.

Otherwise, do not select Global document to link the record to a global document.

  • Global document type (field GLBDOCTYP)

If the current record is linked to a global document, you need to enter the global document type (origin) and the global document number to associate these two documents and to export this association properly in SAF-T.

  • Global document no. (field GLBDOCNUM)


  • Global document date (field GLBDOCDAT)

This field displays the date for Global document.

Manual document

  • Manual document (field MANDOC)

If the web service is down, the transportation note must be communicated using a paper document including the paper document number and the internal system number. This communication must be done directly in the AT portal.

This field must contain a slash character (/) separating the sequential number specific to the series (on the left) and the sequential number itself (on the right). This is needed for all transportation notes for manual documents.


  • AT code (field ATDTCOD)

This field displays the AT code for the Transportation note returned by the tax authority.

This field populates automatically when you communicate using the web service.
If you communicated the transport using a manual document, you need to enter the code from the tax authority manually.




By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 BONLIV : Packing slips

 BONLIV2 : Fixed footer packing slips

 BONLIV2PI : Preprinted packing slips

 BONLIVTTC : Tax-incl. packing slips

 BONLIVTTC2 : Fixed footer tax-inc pkg slips

 BONLIVTTC2PI : Preprinted tax-incl. packing slips

 BONPRELIV : Delivery picking tickets

 BONPRELIVP : Delivery pick tickets portrait

 COFA : Certificate of analysis

 FICLOTVCR : Document batch record

 SCOLIS : Delivery packing list

 SDELIVERYE : Sales delivery list

 SDELIVERYL : Detail sales delivery list

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific buttons

The confirmation of the delivery entails that the delivery has been carried out. If the SDHENDNBR - Final delivery sequence No. parameter is set to Yes, a new delivery number is allocated according to the sequence number specified in the Delivery type.

  • In the case of a normal delivery, the allocated stock is reduced as well as the physical stock of this product. One or more records are entered into the stock journal to track the goods that have been issued.
  • In the case of a loan order, the allocated stock is decreased, the loan stock is increased and the physical stock remains identical. In effect, the stock is issued form the site but it still belongs to the site because it is a loan. On detailed stock inquiry, the loaned product may happen to be placed in a Customer stock type location (the purpose is to establish that the goods are not physically on the site).
  • In the case of a delivery of products linked to a task line, the following information is updated on the product lines associated with the task: Quantity to allocate, Quantity allocated, Allocation Status, Quantity delivered , and Delivery Status.
    • If the validation relates to the total delivery of the product item, the corresponding WIP orderdisappears from the Enterprise Planning (accessible from the tasks function).
    • If the validation is for partial delivery of the product line, the remaining quantity to be delivered is updated to theWIP order in Enterprise Planning.
  • In the case of a sub-contractor delivery, a location change is carried out from the internal site location to the sub-contractor location defined in the Additional section. If the shipped goods are linked to a sub-contractor location having shortages, an allocation is automatically carried out in the sub-contractor location to adjust the shortages.

When validating a delivery, some checks are carried out to prevent validation:

  • It will be impossible to validate a delivery if some stock lines allocated by the delivery are still subject to an analysis request. It will be necessary to carry out the quality control in order to be able to issue the goods.
  • In the case of kits, if there are components with shortages on a delivery line and these products do not authorize negative stocks, the delivery cannot be confirmed as long as the shortages have not been adjusted.
  • The delivery must not have a delivery line with stock shortages, for products that do not authorize negative stock.
  • No product must be blocked in stock count.
  • The stock statuses of the stock lines to be issued must be authorized by the issue rule (see the General issue rules) and by Product categories.
  • The expiration date of products subject to expiration must not be exceeded.

If you act as a stock administrator (see the STOADMIN - Stock administrator parameter - STO chapter, MIS group), the checks performed both on the statuses of stock not authorized on issue and on the exceeded expiration date are not blocking checks. They are listed in the log file.

If the stock issue applies to stock lines managed in packaging units, and the stock is only partly issued with respect to a packaging unit, the setup defined on the product record for each packaging unit will be applied:

  • If the stock issuing method of the packaging unit is Unpacking, then the non-selected balance in the packaging unit will be transformed into stock units.
  • If the stock issuing method for the packaging unit is Break, then there will be a recalculation of the conversion factor between the packaging unit and the stock unit for the balance.
  • If the stock issuing method is Split, then there will be a recalculation of the number of packaging units on the stock line carrying the remainder.

Partial validation

If the PDV - Delivery validation by line activity code is set to Yes, the partial validation of the delivery is authorized. In this case:

  • the delivery validation is performed line by line and not globally,
  • the stock update is only performed on validated lines.
At the end of the processing, a log file displays the lines that have not been validated because of errors or conflicts when accessing the updated tables for instance. You can easily identify each line by checking the value displayed in the Validated column.

To validate the lines, you can:

Description of the line validation process:

  • If an error occurs when updating the information processed at the beginning of the processing, or when updating the first line, the delivery validation is stopped.
  • If an error occurs when updating another line, the processing continues on the next lines.
  • If an error occurs when updating the information process at the end of the processing, the last delivery line is not validated.

Click this action to automatically create the invoice that was generated from the processed delivery. (See the Invoices documentation).

SEEINFOThis action cannot be accessed:

Click this action to automatically create the Pro Forma invoice arising from the processed delivery (See the Invoices documentation).

Click this action to directly go to the packing function for the processed delivery (See the Packing documentation).

Menu Bar

Text / BP header text

Click this action to enter a pick header text. This text will be printed on the pick ticket. The pick text can be initialized, according to the SALTEXPRP - Pick ticket position parameter (VEN chapter, TEX group), using the picking text entered in the customer delivery address.

During the transformation of a document, this text is never propagated to the other documents.

Text / BP footer text

Click this action to enter a pick footer text. This text will be printed on the pick ticket. The pick text can be initialized, according to the SALTEXPRP - Pick ticket position parameter (VEN chapter, TEX group), using the picking text entered in the customer delivery address.

During the transformation of a document, this text is never propagated to the other documents.

Text / DN header text

Click this action to enter a delivery header text. This text will be printed on the packing slip. The delivery header text can be initialized, according to the SALTEXDLV - Delivery text position parameter (VEN chapter, TEX group), using the delivery text entered in the customer delivery address.

During the transformation of a document, this text is never propagated to the other documents.

Text / DN footer text

Click this action to enter a delivery footer text. This text will be printed on the packing slip. The delivery footer text can be initialized, according to the SALTEXDLV - Delivery text position parameter (VEN chapter, TEX group), using the delivery text entered in the customer delivery address.

During the transformation of a document, this text is never propagated to the other documents.

Address / Delivery address


This menu is used to access the complete delivery address. It is also used to modify the address if required for the printing of the packing slip.

If the modification concerns the country and/or the geographic subdivision, a dialog box is displayed and asks whether to recalculate the prices and discounts. The answer ‘Yes’ causes a price list search, based on the new country code and/or the new geographic subdivision code, for all the lines of the document.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Company name (field BPRNAM)

Business Partner company name.

  • Address (field BPAADD)


This code is used to identify amongst other things, the Country of a BP.
This is important information, associated with a number of characteristics useful for performing controls on other linked information, in particular:

  • the telephone number format,
  • the format of the number that identifies a company or an activity (site tax ID number, NAF in France), and whether its entry is mandatory or not,
  • the postal code format of the town and also the code of the geographic subdivision, and whether their entry is mandatory,
  • whether the VAT number of this community is mandatory,
  • the Bank ID code format.
  • field CRYNAM

Name of the country used in the addresses and in all those documents where the country code is entered.

  • field BPAADDLIG

This table lists the various address lines. The formats of the title and of the entry are defined in the country table.

  • Postal code (field POSCOD)

The postal code, whose entry format is defined in the Country table, is used to define the town/city and the geographical subdivision if it is defined for the country.
When the postal code is changed the city/town corresponding to the new code is automatically displayed. The principle is the same for the geographical subdivision if it is present for the country. 
It is also possible to manually enter the town/city name. If the town/city is already defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed.

The control of this information and its mandatory nature depend on the setup performed in the country management. In order for the control to be applied, the POSCOD - Nonexistent postal code alert parameter (SUP chapter, INT group) must also be set to "Yes".

Specific cases:

- for ANDORRA, indicate 99130
- for MONACO, indicate 99138
- for the other overseas countries, indicate the INSEE code of the country or 99999 if not known.

  • City (field CTY)

The city automatically proposed is the one associated with the postal code previously indicated. It is also possible to manually enter the name of a town/city:

  • if the town/city is already defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed, 
  •  if the city does not exist and the postal code control has been set up in the Country record, a warning message is displayed but the continuation of the entry is authorized. In addition, the CTY - Nonexistent city alert parameter (SUP chapter, INT group) needs to have the value "Yes" for this control to apply.
  • if the city does not exist and the postal code is not entered, a blocking message is displayed when the postal code is set up as mandatory for the country.


  • Its format is defined in the Country record setup.
  • Depending on this setup, the entered town/city can automatically be converted into uppercase after it has been entered.
  • In order to make selections easier without taking into account the format (accented characters/uppercase letters/lowercase letters), the selection window available on this field proposes a column dedicated to the search, where the names of the towns/cities are displayed in uppercase. The control which is carried out is case-insensitive since it is carried out with respect to the town/city name stored in uppercase.
  • field ITINERAIRE

Click this icon to open a mapping site and locate the entered address.

  • field SAT

This field contains the geographical subdivision corresponding to definition of the postal address. For example, a 'department' for France, and a state for the United-States.

The description of the geographic subdivision, as well as the control on the information entry, are defined in theCountries setup.

This field loads automatically after the postal code and town/city have been entered and is based on the Postal codes setup.
If the field is controlled, the control is carried out with respect to the Geographical subdivision table.

  • Site tax ID no. (field CRN)

The SIRET number of the site associated with the invoice customer is displayed if it has been entered on the BP record.
You can only modify this number when the invoice customer is a Miscellaneous one. The entered number must be compliant with the format defined on the Country record.

Contact number.

  • EU VAT no. (field EECNUMX)


  • Address validation (field VALADR)

Click on this button to send the entered address to the Sage Sales Tax (SST) address validation service. It is also possible to send the entered address by clicking on the [OK] button.

  • If the address is found, the "Validated" checkbox is automatically checked.
  • If the address is not found, the "Validated" checkbox is unchecked and cannot be accessed.


  • This field is only available when the activity code Local tax (LTA) is active.
  • The validation service of SST addresses is defined in the parameters related to Sage Sales Tax.
  • Validated (field ADRVAL)

This box is checked automatically if the address is processed by the validation service of Sage Sales Tax (SST) addresses when the "Address validation" box is checked. The box is not checked and cannot be accessed if the address is not found.


  • This field is only available when the activity code Local tax (LTA) is active.
  • The validation service of SST addresses is defined in the parameters related toSage Sales Tax



Address / Billing address

This function is used to access and modify the detailed invoicing address.

Option menu

EDI / Delivery notifications

Option / Customs information

Click this action to filter the contents of the selection panels. Several selection criteria are available and become active depending on the category associated with the delivery type chosen in the header.

Option/ Stock lot

This window contains customs information and the information necessary to the creation of the Intrastat. On creation, they stem from the order or are initialized from those entered in the Ship-to customer section of the Customer record when it concerns a direct delivery:

  • Incoterm negotiated as well as the Incoterm city, when needed,
  • When the goods transit via a forwarding agent, code and address of the forwarding agent responsible for the export and located in the European Union: information also used for the Customs Document File concerning the transportation of the goods to their export location.

The EU Information contains information only useful for the Intrastat and linked to the Intrastat activity code (DEB):

  • EEC identification number of the customer (or EU tax number), EEC transport location - information combined to the Incoterm code to determine the sales contract delivery conditions - and EEC transport method.

Information linked with the physical flows: EU rule andTransaction nature, linked to the DEB activity code, too, comes from the setup carried out at Movement rules and natures function level.

This information can be modified as long as the packing slip is not validated.

Option / Receipts

Click this action to view for each delivery line the lot number, sublot number, or serial number that have been assigned, the quantity (in stock unit), location and status.

For those products that are not managed by lot, the lot information is empty (the same applies to sublot ad serial numbers).

For products managed by lot but with a shortage on delivery, the xxxxxxxxxxx code is displayed.

Quantities in shortage are also displayed in red.

The maximum number of displayed lines is set by the SDL-No. of lot detail lines activity code.

Option / Transaction

This option is used in the inter-site or inter-company contexts. It allows you to access the receipt function by a tunnel to enable the receipt of the delivery or to consult the receipt associated with the inter-site or inter-company delivery.

Option/Entry traceability

This option gives access, via tunnel, to the inquiry function Entry traceability that makes it possible to visualize and browse into the hierarchy of original entries or coming from the document.

Option / View routes


Option / Bill of lading

Click this action to access the View routes function, that can be used to:

  • to manage and organize the delivery routes,
  • to directly view the entire route in Google Maps, from the shipping site.

Option / Bill of lading

Use this action to select and process transactions. This window opens when the payment method tied to the payment entry transaction is set up for credit card processing.

This option is available only if the SEPP activity code - Credit card integration is activated and if the payment method associated with the payment terms for the entry transaction has the Credit card processing check box selected. The document's bank/currency must be the same as the payment card's processing code bank/currency.

This screens displays information for payments methods for a sales order or shipment including:

  • Account information including payment type, account nickname and processing code
  • Authorization status
  • Remaining amount
  • Billing information
  • Transaction History for this order or shipment

In this screen:

  • Click New to add payment card information before processing the transaction.
  • Click Jump to from the Account nickname or Processing code fields to modify in the screen that is displayed the details of an existing card in the customer payment gateway data. In this screen:
  • If the payment processor is Sage Exchange, click the Edit card icon to enter the changes.
  • If the payment processor is Sage Pay, you cannot edit the card details. Instead, you need to delete the card an create a new card.
  • Select the account nickname from the selection menu to add a new payment method.
  • Click Submitto process an authorization against the document.
  • Click Voidto cancel the authorization for this document.

Changes that increase document totals:

  • If the new order total exceeds the current authorization amount, the system automatically re-authorizes the order for the new amount.
  • When the Manual entry check box is selected, re-authorization for the order and amount is not allowed.

Communication / Sending


Communication / Sending

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

No sequence number is assigned to this document

There is no setup for the sequence number counter assigned to the document (normal, inter-site, loan or sub-contract delivery).

Problem when the sequence number counter is recovered

This message appears if it has not been possible to assign a delivery number.

Problem when the sequence number counter is recovered

This message appears if it has been impossible to assign a sequence number during the creation of a new delivery request. This occurs if a single delivery request is delivered using several partial deliveries.

This document does not exist

The number entered does not match any existing delivery.

The date is less than the delivery date

This message appears on entry of the delivery date.

Kit not Generated for Product XXX

A problem has occurred during the generation of the delivery lines for a BOM or commercial kit:

  • no BOM code existing, selected or valid,
  • a problem prevents the creation of a delivery line for one of the components,
  • the component does not exist in the product-sales, product, product-site tables or is prohibited.
The loans are not authorized

This message is displayed if you process a loan delivery and the product selected is not authorized for loans.

Problem on substitution product

The product substitution cannot be performed as it does not exist as a product-sales.

Replacement by the substitution product

Indicates that the entered product is to be replaced by the substitution product.

Sales Product without Parent product

There is no product record corresponding to the product sales entered.

Sale unit unknown for this Product

This message is displayed if the unit entered does not correspond to either the sales unit, to a packaging unit for the product, nor to one of the 2 packaging units for the customer product.

Stock unavailable: do you want to force the delivery?

The quantity entered is unavailable. If the answer to the question is yes, the system continues with the delivery, otherwise the line entry is canceled. This message is blocking when the product is not managed in negative stock.

Delivered quantity superior to the ordered quantity remaining to deliver

This message indicates an attempt to ship a quantity that is greater than the quantity remaining to be shipped on the associated order line.

Quantity delivered different from the allocated ordered quantity

This message indicates that an attempt has been made to ship a quantity that is different from the quantity allocated on the order line.

Null price

This message is not displayed for components, free items and deliveries not to be invoiced.
You can confirm the null price or force the price entry.

Processing not possible: fixed kit component

This message is displayed when you try to modify or delete a kit component. It is also displayed when you attempt to insert a line in between the lines of a kit, a BOM or between a free line and the line from which the free item was created.

Processing not possible: This shipment is validated

This message is displayed if you attempt to modify a delivery that is already confirmed.

No line entered: Update impossible.

To create or save a delivery, at least one line must be entered.

Authorized limit reached 9999,99 currency

This is a message indicating that the authorized credit level for the bill-to customer has been reached.
This message is informational or blocking depending on the value given to the user parameter SCDTUNL - Authorization to unblock order (chapter VEN, group AUZ). Nevertheless, if the invoiced customer is blocked, the delivery will be forbidden irrespective of the value of this parameter.
The amount for the deliveries not to be invoiced is not considered in the ship-to customer credit calculation.
SEEREFERTTO For more information on blocking orders and on credit level exceeding by the invoiced customer, see the documentation on the parameter SCDTUNL- Authorization to unlock order.

The authorized credit level, the value of this parameter, and the current credit level calculation details are displayed in the Calculation details window which you can access from the Actions icon displayed on the Ship-to customer field.

Undeliverable order: Customer Held

This message appears during the selection of the order, the delivery request or during the direct creation of a delivery if the bill-to customer is blocked. It is then impossible to create the delivery, except for an order that has been unlocked by an authorized user.

Undeliverable order: Prepayment not paid

This message appears during the selection of the order if the expected prepayments for the order have not been made. It can be blocking if the LOKORD parameter specifies this.

Order incompatible with the other orders selected: site, currency, customer, or various re-grouping criteria

This message appears during the selection of the orders to be shipped (in a single delivery) if one of the following fields is not identical: Sales site, Currency, Bill-to customer, Paying customer, Group customer, Price type, Tax rule, Project, Payment terms, Discount, Intersites, Loan return date if loan order.

Selection incorrect:Criterion '1 Order per Shipment' or '1 invoice/order (closed)' not respected

This message is displayed, upon selection of the orders to be shipped, when you attempt to select a delivery for orders where the invoicing method is either One invoice/packing slip or one invoice/closed order.

Order no. product XXX. The line is managed with direct orders and the purchase order is not generated: Line creation impossible.

This message appears during the selection of orders to be shipped, if one of the lines is managed as direct order and the associated purchase order has not been generated.

The line is managed Back-to-Back and there is no quantity allocated: Force the Shipment?

This message appears during the selection of orders to be shipped, if one of the lines is managed as direct order and there has been no receipt.

Order no. product XXX: The quantity to be shipped is less that the ordered quantity and the line should be shipped in a single, complete delivery. Do you want to force the delivery?

This message is displayed upon selecting order lines to be delivered, if a partially allocated line is displayed or if the order line or order must be completely delivered.

Order no.: delivery line/order complete. Line not delivered Product XXX. Do you want to continue?

This message is displayed during the creation of a delivery, if you partially select an order which delivery method is Complete order.

Order no.: delivery line/order complete. Line partially delivered Product XXX. Do you want to continue?

This message is displayed during the creation of a delivery, if you partially select an order which delivery method is Complete orderor Complete line.

Sub-contract delivery: The ship-to customer must be defined as a supplier!

In the case of a sub-contractor delivery, the selected ship-to customer must have both a customer and supplier role defined.

  • A customer: to carry out the subcontract shipment.
  • A supplier: to carry out a manufacturing subcontract operation.

Site XXX Product YYY Location ZZZ: Stock pending put-away.Stock line incomplete:Lot, sublot

Order no. Product YYY: The quantity allocated cannot be shipped. It is not possible to create a delivery from an allocated order if the stock lines allocated to the order are pending storage and if the stock has not been identified yet (lot, sub-lot, serial number). If the stock is identified but is still pending storage, the delivery can be created.

Period not defined or processing prohibited on this date

If a delivery date greater than the current date is entered, a message is displayed.

Lines originating from documents have been added or deleted. The invoicing elements are not recalculated.

This message appears when lines originating from a document with invoicing elements are added or deleted. In this case, the share of invoicing elements related to these documents is not added/subtracted from the invoice.

Taxes have not been correctly defined

This warning or blocking message is displayed when inconsistencies are reported on:

  • The tax codes of the document lines
  • The tax codes of the document invoicing elements.

The consistency check on tax codes is performed based on the value of parameter CTLTAX - Tax codes control (VEN chapter, VAT group - no control, non blocking control, blocking control).

After the message is displayed, a log file details the errors that occurred during the consistency check.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation