General parameters > Chapter Sales > Parameter SALREV (Revision management) 

Use this parameter to activate the management of revisions on orders and open orders. You can then track all modifications made on orders, open orders, and save them in a history of revisions.

Not managed - Revisions are not available.

Managed on demand - When modifying the order, you receive a message asking you to confirm if a revision must be generated for this modification.

Managed automatically - A revision is generated automatically each time the order is modified.

In the Orders function:

  • The revision number is displayed next to the order number. It is incremented automatically each time the revision is modified.
  • To view the history of order revisions and detailed modifications, click:
    • Revision management,
    • Order line revision window from the Actions icon available on the modified order line.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Site.It belongs to Chapter VEN (Sales) and the Group ORD (Order management rules),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GSALREV is associated with it.

Functions impacted

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Sales > Orders > Orders

 Sales > Orders > Open orders


To save the history of revisions, the following tables are updated when an order with revision is modified:

  • VSORDER for the header
  • VSORDERC (for open orders only)
  • VSORDERP and VSORDERQ for each line

In all these tables:

  • The REVCOD field, available in all files, indicates the type of action: D = Deletion; M = Modification.
  • The CURREVFLG field is set to 2, which identifies the revision is in progress.