General parameters > Chapter Sales > Parameter SDACLOK (Non block ctrl price,profit,qt) 

This parameter indicates if a user is authorized to proceed with the entry in the following situation:

  • the net price is less that the threshold price,
  • The margin is less than the minimum margin percentage (the minimum margin percentage being calculated as follows: ((Net price - Production Cost Price) / Net price) *100)
  • The ordered quantity is greater than the maximum quantity, or less than the minimum quantity authorized in the Product/Sales record
  • The minimum order threshold is either specified or blocked.

This parameter can be set to:

  • Yes: The user can proceed with the entry, controls are not blocking. Warning messages are sent as notifications.
  • No: The user cannot proceed with the entry if a blocking control is activated.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level User.It belongs to Chapter VEN (Sales) and the Group AUZ (Authorizations),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GSDACLOK is associated with it.

Functions impacted

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Sales > Deliveries > Deliveries

 Stock > Receipt/issue transactions > Deliveries > Deliveries

 Sales > Invoices > Invoices

 Sales > Orders > Orders

 Sales > Orders > Open orders

 Sales > Quotes > Quotes