When the values are entered, no existence control is carried out. In the case where they do not exist or are not consistent, no edition occurs.
2/ According to the chosen value for the Entry selection setup: Entry selection, the selection is applied in the following way:
- All the fixed assets available in the financial year/period : are selected only the fixed assets of which the smallest of the two following dates: Posting date and First use date, is lower or equal to the financial year end date/period asked.
- Fixed assets entered in the financial year/period: only the fixed assets of which the posting date is located on the financial year or on the period asked are selected.
- Fixed assets previous to the financial year/period: only the financial assets whose posting date is previous to the financial year start date or to the asked period are selected.
3/ The Issued asset setup: Basis,Aggregation, NV at=0 if fixed assets issued, is applied only to the assets of which the issue date is lower or equal to the financial end date or to the period end: following the asked situation).
When the value is set to Yes, the following dimensions are presented with the value 0: Balance value, Depreciation aggregation at the end of the financial year (or Depreciation aggregation at the end of the period), Net value at the end of the financial year (or Net value at the end of the period).
See the report description DEPSITU, the content of these two reports is identical.
Only specificity: the currency in which the amounts are expressed as well as the conversion rate from the company currency, are displayed on each page, below the header (however, if the reporting currency chosen is the company currency, this information is not displayed).