Reports > Module Fixed Assets > Report FAS2855-2020 (2855 fiscal statement) 

This report generates the preparatory report for a single company for the French fiscal form 2855: Taxes on company vehicles. This report is for the 2020 fiscal year and reflects the latest changes from the French Fiscal authorities.

Legal references (in French)

Article 1010 - Code général des impôts - Légifrance (

TFP - Taxe sur les véhicules de sociétés - Champ d'application - Véhicules taxables (

Formulaire n°2855-SD (

This report is only available if your connection language is French and only applies to French legislation.

Reporting and taxation period: 2020 declaration from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021

2020 and after: The tax period only includes quarters within the same calendar year, beginning January 1 and ending December 31.

Note: You must manage the allowed tax deduction of 18 750 € outside the report when submitting the tax.

To claim the corresponding exemptions, you must complete the necessary options on the Vehicle screen in the Fixed assets function (GESFAS).

See the French General Tax Code, Article 1010 and BOFIP listed above under French references.

The report does not include data for blocks I-B and II-B

I-B:Taxable Vehicles owned or rented by employees or officers and taxed according to CO2 emissions.

II-B:Taxable Vehicles owned or rented by employees or officers and taxed by Fiscal Power.

Prior versions

  • The FAS2855-2018 report can only be used on fiscal year 2018 to 2019.
  • The FAS2855-2017 report can only be used on fiscal year 2017.
  • The FAS2855-2014 report can only be used on fiscal years 2014 to 2016.
  • The FAS2855 report can only be used on fiscal years prior to 2014.


List of criteria


Parameter title









Print selections (Local menu No, Yes)



The data is filtered by site according to the rights granted to the user on the function GESFAS (Assets).

Description of the report

The report provides the following information for a single company for the selected calendar year. The report layout is determined by the French fiscal authority. The data provided in the report is based on the vehicle profile entered in Fixed assets (GESFAS) on the Vehicle screen.

2018 and after: The tax period only includes quarters within the same calendar year, beginning January 1 and ending December 31.

Example #1: For the 2021 reporting period, if a vehicle is in first use as of July 1, the first day of the third quarter, the vehicle is include for two quarters: the third and fourth.

Example #2: For the 2021 reporting period, if a vehicle is in first use as of August 1, mid- quarter, it is only included for one quarter: the fourth quarter.

Tax rates and categories

The first page of the report displays the difference tax categories and amounts for company vehicles. This includes the tax levels by CO2 emissions, fuel type, and fiscal horsepower.

Vehicles by CO2 emissions: Table I-A

The next page displays vehicles whose Tax rule is based on CO2 emissions. For each vehicle, the following information is provided:

  • Vehicle number
  • Fuel category: gas or diesel
  • Column A: Purchase or registration date
  • Column B: Date put in service
  • Column C: Date left service
  • Columns D and E: For rented vehicles, the dates of service and the duration.
  • Columns F and G: These display the level of C02 emission and the corresponding tax.
  • Column H: Number of quarters
  • Column I: Air pollution tax
  • Column J: Number of quarters required to settle the first tax component
  • Column K: The annual tax for the period based on the following calculation:

 (Tax level * Tax amount * Number of quarters) + (Air pollution tax * Number of quarters) / 4.

The total tax burden for all vehicles combined is included as well as the total number of vehicles.

Vehicle by Fiscal horsepower: Table II-A

The next page displays vehicles whose Tax rule is based on Fiscal horsepower. For each vehicle, the following information is provided:

  • Vehicle number
  • Fuel category: gas or diesel
  • Purchase or registration date
  • Fiscal horsepower
  • Date first used
  • End date: The date the vehicle was removed from service.
  • For rented vehicles, the dates of service and the duration
  • Tax amount for that fiscal horsepower as indicated on the first page of the report
  • Number of quarters
  • Air pollution tax

The last column on the page calculates the tax amount for each vehicle for the reporting period as follows:
(Tax amount * Number of quarters) + (Air pollution tax * Number of quarters) / 4.

The total tax responsibility for all vehicles combined is included as well as the total number of vehicles.

The final page of the report displays the total tax responsibility from Table I-A, Table II-A, and the combined total from both tables.