For each lot, the LOT report shows:
- The lot number
- Its title
- The part rank in the lot
For each part of a lot, the LOT report shows:
- The journal type
- The site
- The posting date
- The due date
- The journal
- The transaction currency
- The category (general or analytical: it corresponds to the category of the part type and not to the category of the accounting journal)
- Any part reference
- The lot status (validated, not validated)
For each line of a lot, the LOT report shows:
- The account number
- The BP
- The title
- The site
- The debit or credit amount
- The analytical nature
- The quantity
- The analytical dimensions (if the option "Analytical detail" is set to yes)
At the end of each part, the LOT report displays a totalling debit and credit line for the part.
Whenever changing lot, the LOT report also displays a totalling debit and credit line for the lot.