Reports > Module A/P-A/R accounting > Report REMBOFI (Open item statement) 

This report displays the Committed, Funded, Paid and Reimbursed total amounts, entered at session level for each Company, Training, Session (depending on the requested detail) and by Funding organization.


List of criteria

  • Company: if entered, filters the employee contracts and the corresponding actions.
  • Training organization range: if entered, selects specific organizations.
  • Training period range: if entered, filters training periods.
  • Session range: if entered, filters sessions.
  • Date range: filters sessions (the session must be entirely comprised between the date range and must not overlap the period).
  • Population: if entered, filters employees belonging to this population.
  • Training period type ('Short-term training period', 'Other training period', 'All'): if different from 'All', filters training actions based on the training period type.
  • Detail by company ('No', 'Yes'): affects the display of the report.
  • Detail by session ('No', 'Yes'): affects the display of the report.
  • Detail by training ('No', 'Yes'): affects the display of the report.
  • Print selections ('No', 'Yes'): affects the printing of the report criteria page.

Description of the report