> Report dictionary Module A/P-A/R Accounting
Report dictionary Module A/P-A/R Accounting
AVIDOM (Payment order)
BANPOSANY (Banking position)
BANQUE (Bank account in ledgers)
BANREC (Bank Reconciliation Statement)
BPCINV (Customer BP invoice)
BPCINV2 (Customer BP invoice)
CFOECHTIERS (Business partner cash forecast)
CFORPT (List of cash forecasts)
CHEQUE (Checks print)
CHKREG (Check register)
CHQEURO (Check print in euro)
CONFVIR (Transfer confirmation letters)
CUSSTA (Customer statement)
ECHFCT (Receivables by factor)
ECHTIERS (Business partner open item)
ENCOURS (Exceeding credit limit)
EXPENSES (Expense payment)
FACFOUNBA (Invoices held for payment)
FACTRSC (BP invoice list)
FACTRSF (Supplier invoice list)
FUP (Reminder management)
FUPRC (Reminder management)
FUPSIM (BPs for reminding)
GAUTACE (Automatic journals)
IMPAYE (List of customers not paying)
LETCHQEUR (Check letters in euro)
LETTRECHE (Check letters)
LETTRETRT (Draft letters)
LETTRETRTBLANC (Draft letters without preprinted report)
LETTREVIRB (Transfer letters/note)
LETTREVIRR (Transfer letters/payment)
LISFAC (Invoice / receipt list)
LISPOOL (Banking pools)
LISREG (Payment listing)
LISREL (Customer statement)
LISRELBANK (Bank statements)
NA-BPATB (Aged balance)
NA-CHKOVR (Overflow check stub)
NA-CINVAR (AP/AR invoice)
NA-CUSSTA (Customer Statement)
NA-SPAYHIS (Supplier inv / payment history)
PORTEFEUILLE (Notes P/R overview)
PREVDEP (Forecasting of expense)
PREVREC (Forecasting of revenue)
PROROG (Due date extension)
RAPPRO (Banking reconciliation report)
RAPPROCHK (Bank reconciliation)
RAPPRODBL (List of duplicates )
RELBANK01 (Bank statement listing)
RELBANK02 (Bank statements (date to date))
RELFAC (Open item statement)
REMCHQ (Check remittances)
REMTRT (Remittance of bills)
REQCHETRT (Check queries)
SIMFACCLI (Simulation customer invoices)
SIMFACFOU (Simulation supplier invoices)
SPAYHIS (Supplier invoice and payment)
TRAITE (Print notes P/R)
TRAITENR (Notes P/R not returned)
TRTCLIENT (Customer notes P/R)
UNALLOCCASH1 (List of prepymts to allocate)
UNALLOCCASH2 (Prepayments to allocate)