
This function returns the current time, as given from the system, as a string using the hh:mm:ss format. This time is obtained from the process server and is the local time (in the timezone of the server).




# First example: let's get my time in the process server time zoneLocal Char MY_TIME(8)MY_TIME=time$# Second example: what is the time zone offset (in hours) of my process server?Local Char MY_TIME(8), ZERO_TIME(8)Local Integer OFFSETMY_TIME=time$: ZERO_TIME=mid$(num$(datetime$),12,8)OFFSET= 3600 * (val(left$(MY_TIME,2))-val(left$(ZERO_TIME,2)))& + 60 * (val(mid$(MY_TIME,4,2))-val(mid$(ZERO_TIME,4,2)))& + val(mid$(MY_TIME,7,2))-val(mid$(ZERO_TIME,7,2))OFFSET=arr(OFFSET/3600,0.5) : # Let's take in account a one-second difference it the clock switched


If you need to access the current time in UTC (in Greenwitch zone), the formula mid$(num$(datetime$),12),8 returns the right value in the format hh:mm:ss.

See also

Date, DateTime definition, Datetime$, time$, DateTime, gdatetime$.