History Logs - MongoDB Traceability
Administration Page | Application/Contract | Syracuse/Collaboration | Class | historyLog | Representation | historyLog |
The administrator can decide to follow modifications in the MongoDB database made by users over a period of time. The entities to follow are chosen in global settings and for any modification to these entities, a log with modified attributes will be written to the database.
This menu displays all operations made to your entities.
Every operation on a tracked entity will be displayed with :
The date time when the entity has been modified
The login of user that did the modification
The type of operation
1. Created
2. Modified
3. Deleted
The name of entity
A unique human readable string that identifies the entity (e.g. for user entity the login value will be used)
For each line of the history log, you can inspect the modifications via the "Details" link. A new page will be displayed with the previous information on top, followed by the list of changes.
The name of property that has been changed
If the property is a collection, the number of items added, deleted and modified will be displayed. In this case we can expand the line and see the detailed information about each item in the same way (new value, previous value)
Previous value