Launching url

Every activity is initiated using a URL that can be different depending on the conditions. This document describes the structure of the URL used.

A user should never have to type a URL directly; this is done through menu items. It is helpful to know the different components of these URLs because they will be used to define the required menu items to access the corresponding pages.

Native version 7 activity

Every Sage X3 or administration activity developed in native version 7 mode is initiated using a URL that is:


In the URL, the following elements are used:

When **detail** or **edit** facets are used, the instance identification must be given with the following syntax:

Classic page

The Classic mode is used when a Sage X3 function is not yet declared as a class and a representation. When a page is called in Classic mode, the URL becomes:



Read-only pages

When a Sage X3 function is available in read mode only, the representation and the class have been described only for query and detail facets. In that case, the page is called as a version 7 native page for query or details, and an automatic switch is done to the corresponding Classic page when an edit activity is requested.

Header information in the Administration reference documents

In the Administration reference documents, a header describes the technical information related to the function depending on the case. The header will be:

Full version 7 functionApplication/Contractx3/$prodClassCLASSRepresentationREPRES
Administration PageApplication/ContractSyracuse/CollaborationClassCLASSRepresentationREPRES
Read-only pagesApplication/Contractx3/$$prodClassCLASSRepresentationREPRESFunction codeFUNCTION
Classic functionFunction codeFUNCTION