Sage X3 servers

Administration PageApplication/ContractSyracuse/CollaborationClassx3serversRepresentationx3server

A Sage X3 server describes a connection to a Sage X3 solution. Associated with a Sage X3 server, there are several Endpoints that correspond to Sage X3 folders.

The information that must be entered for a Sage X3 server is the following:


Description of the Sage X3 server that appears when the Sage X3 server is referenced in another page, for example an Endpoints definition.

Server host

Provides the process server address. The address can be a server name that is known on the network or an IP address.

Server port

The port used by the Sage X3 connection service to the solution.

Application server

Provides the application server address. The address can be a server name that is known on the network or an IP address. This only to be filled if different from server host.

Server time out

The connection time-out in milliseconds. If this time is over during a connection attempt, a time-out error will happen.

Web server host

The host in which the web server delivering the Sage X3 resources is located. The host is usually the same than the application server and does not need to be filled.

Web server port

The port used by the web server delivering the Sage X3 resources. The port is usually 80, but it can be changed.

BO server

Defines the BO server if there is one, that is associated to the X3 server to deliver Business Intelligence data.


Defines the Endpoints the endpoint is connected to. Endpoints can be added in multiple selection.


Defines the Certificate used by Syracuse to authenticate against the server.