Operating budgets > Approval management > Approval list 

The left list of this function displays the history of all approvals, in progress, approved or rejected, sorted by approval number. This list contains the following information:

  • Approval number:
  • Approval type : Multiple or individual.
  • Envelope code,
  • Fiscal year (for a budget),
  • Account (for a budget line),
  • Status: Requested, approved, rejected.

For a single-leve approval, the information concerning the envelope, the budget or the budget line are divided between the sections "Type" et "History". The zones of these sections are filled only if the object level allows it.

For a multiple approval dealing with different levels, the table details the information related to each object from the approval.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This inquiry displays all the approvals carried out in the quick select list. The selection of an approval displays the detail of this approval.

The "Detail" grid is entered only for "Multiple" information and displays all the objects that have been subjected to this approval: Envelopes, budgets and budget lines. Its capacity is limited to 500 lines.

This table is not filled, when it is an individual approval: an envelope, a budget, or a budget line. All the requested information are specified in header.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Approval no. (field NUM)

Approval number is generated by the system according to this format: (APP-)(MONTH)(YEAR)(Order number).


  • Type (field TYP)

If the approval concerns objects of different levels, envelope, budget and/or line, the approval is of type "Multiple". In this case it is possible to inquire the approval detail:

  • In the approval screen, via right click on the table lines containing the level "Multiple", button "Detail",
  • In the approval inquiry, this detail is displayed in a table.

Code of the project, of the envelope assignment taken automatically from the envelope when it is attached to a project.

Code of the budget envelope submitted for approval.

  • Fiscal year (field FIY)

Accounting fiscal year code associated with budgets by fiscal year.

  • Budget line (field ACCNUM)

Budget Line number.

Budget account, coming from the budget line, cannot be modified.


  • Request date (field DMDDAT)

Date of the approval request

  • Original amount (field AMT)

Budgeted envelope amount, budget amount, budget line amount, expressed ex tax.

  • Approved amount (field AMTAPP)

Approved budgeted envelope amount, budget amount and budget line amount, expressed ex tax.

For an approval by object, this amount, loaded by default by the current budgeted amount, can be increased or decreased in the limit of the following implemented controls:

  • The modified amount of an envelope cannot be less than the sum of its budgets and reserve,
  • The modified amount of a budget cannot be less than the sum of its budget lines and reserve. It cannot be larger than the envelope balance (Envelope amount - Envelope reserve),
  • The modified amount of a budget line cannot be less than the sum of its purchases and larger than the available budget (Budget amount - Reserve - Sum of budget lines).
  • Status (field STA)

Information indicating the approval's progress: Requested, approved, rejected. This information is managed in the local menu 2699.

  • Reason (field RENTXT)

This field contains the reason specified by the signer who denied the approval.

Grid Detail

  • Level (field LTYP)

In the case of a "Multiple" approval, this column indicates the level of the various objects included in the approval process: Envelope, budget fiscal year and budget line.

In the case of a multiple approval containing an envelope, budget envelope code. Information that cannot be modified originating from the budget envelope.

  • Fiscal year (field LFIY)

In the case of a multiple approval containing a budget, budget fiscal year code. Information that cannot be modified originating from the budget envelope.

In the case of a multiple approval containing a budget line, budget account for the budget line posting.

  • Amount (field LAMT)

In the case of a multiple approval, this column indicates the ex tax amount of each approval object.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation