is a system variable used on grid input in masks. It gives the range end on operation involving a range of lines (nolign
is the starting point of the range).
This function is only usable in Classic pages related code and is deprecated for code running in version 7 mode.
# Lets's perform a test on a range deletion operation (status=68 or 83)# The delivered quantity (variable DLVQTY) must be 0 otherwise the line cannot be deletedIf status=68 or status=83mkstat=0For I=nolign-1 to nolign1-1If [M]DLVQTY(I)<>0GMESSAGE="Line #"+num$(I+1)-"cannot be deleted. Operation aborted"mkstat=1BreakEndifNext IIf mkstat=0Gosub DELETE_LINESEndifEndif
For some operation needing an interval of lines, nolign
is the first value of the line range, and nolign1
is the end value. Both values are inputted by the user when he triggers the corresponding operation.
nolign, Affzo, Diszo, Effzo, Envzo, Grizo.