
Titcol allows to assign dynamically titles in the columns of a grid present on a screen.

This function is only usable in Classic pages related code and is deprecated for code running in version 7 mode.


ABBREVIATION is the abbreviation of the corresponding mask.BOTTOM_PAGE is the name of the "bottom-page" variable in the mask (the variable associated to a grid that stores the number of lines present).LIST_OF_STRING_EXPRESSIONS is a list of string expressions representing the titles of the consecutive columns in the grid.COLUMN_NAME is the name of the variable whose title should be changed

The syntax 1 allows to define titles for the first N columns (only the columns visible or enterable are concerned).
The syntax 2 allows to define the title for a given column identified by its name.


# Let's imagine we have a grid containing CATEG1, CATEG2, CATEG3, CATEG4, CATEG5 in [ITM] mask with CATEG as bottom-page variable# Let's define the title of the 3 first columns of a grid by using the title of the Item categoryTitcol [ITM]CATEG mess(1,206,1), mess(1,206,2), mess(1,206,3)# Let's redefine CATEG5 with another titleTitcol [ITM]CATEG "Others" For CATEG5# The title associated to CATEG4 remains unchanged

Description and comments

Titcol is used to change dynamically the title of columns in a grid.


When a mask includes a grid where the column titles are evaluated, the use of Titcol is automatically done in a generated script called in the "before-field" action of the bottom-page variable.

If the global variable GORITITCOL is set to "1", the corresponding script is not called.

See also

Chgfmt, Chgtbk, Chgtfd, Chgtzn, Chgstl.