is a character string variable of length 2 maximum that contains the record separator used when reading or writing sequential files by the instructions Rdseq and Wrseq.
Every element in a list given as an argument in Rdseq or Wrseq is separated by the field separator, but at the end of the record, a line separator defined by adxifs is read or written instead of a record separator.
Note that this is a global value for all the files opened. Using the Iomode instruction gives you the control on every file opened; which is preferable.
adxirsIomode adxirs EXPRESSION Using [ABBREVIATION]
is an alphanumeric expression returning the value of the separator.ABBREVIATION
is the abbreviation that has been used to open the file by Openi, Openo, or Openio.# On a Unix server, read the /etc/passwd file to find out the user characteristics for a given user ID# This supposes that the user connected has the access rights !# The structure of a line is the following:# login:x:user_id:group_id:user_description:home_directory:shellSubprog GET_UNIX_USER(USER_ID, USER_DESCRIPTION, HOME_DIRECTORY)Value Integer USER_IDVariable Char USER_DESCRIPTION(), HOME_DIRECTORY()Local Char LOGIN(20),DUMMY(20),UID(10),GID(10),DESCRIPTION(100),HOMEDIR(100),SHELL(100)Openi "/etc/passwd" using [PWD]adxifs = ":"adxirs = chr$(10) : # Unix files usually have a line feed as end end of lineRepeatRdseq LOGIN,DUMMY,UID,GID,DESCRIPTION,HOMEDIR,SHELL Using [PWD]Until val(GID)=USER_ID or fstat=0Openi using [PWD]If val(GID)=USER_IDUSER_DESCRIPTION=DESCRIPTIONHOME_DIRECTORY=HOMEDIRElseRaz USER_DESCRIPTION, HOME_DIRECTORYEndifEnd# Write on a Windows sequential file values separated by commasOpeno MYFILE Using [MYF]Iomode adxifs ',' Using [MYF]Iomode adxifs chr$(13)+chr$(10) Using [MYF] : # Carriage return Line feed usually for Windows filesFor I=1 to dim(VALUES)Wrseq I,VALUES(I),sum(VALUES(1..I)) Using [MYF]Next IOpeno Using [MYF]
Reading a list of N values by a Rdseq instruction will read the record until the end of line character or an end of file is encountered. Thus, if more than N values are present on the line, the exceeding values will be skipped. If less than N values are present, the remaining elements will not be filled.
adxifs, adxium, Rdseq, Wrseq, Openi, Openo, Openio.