transforms the characters of a string with an 8-byte code into a 7-byte code depending on a conversion table. By default, it suppresses the accents on accentuated characters. But it is also possible to define the conversion table by additional arguments.
are expressions returning strings. # A French sentence has usually accents, let's suppress themSENTENCE= "Un élève travaille à façon des pâtes de Noël à son goût"NOACCENTS=ctrans(SENTENCE)# NOACCENTS contains "Un eleve travaille a facon des pates de Noel à son gout"# Let's now replace some charactersFOO=ctrans("bar","abr","ofo") : # FOO contains now "foo"# Let's replace all the vowels ans spaces in a stringRESULT = ctrans("this is an unusual yellow box","..... ","")# now RESULT is "th.s-.s-.n-.n.s..l-..ll.w-b.x" # Let's suppress all the vowels in a stringRESULT = ctrans("this is an unusual yellow box","aeiouy","")# now RESULT is "ths s n nsl llw bx" # Let's suppress from a sentence all the characters except upper and lower letters and spacesLocal Char CH1(255),CH2(255) For I=1 to 255If (I>=65 and I<=90) or (I>=97 and I<=122) or I=32CH1+=chr$(I)ElseCH2+=chr$(I)EndifNext IFILTERED=ctrans(SENTENCE,CH1+CH2,CH1)
used with one argument transforms the characters in a string coded on 8 bytes by an equivalent on 7 bits.
It replaces the following:
* The accentuated characters by the equivalent character without accent.
* The non-printable characters by a space.
* The semigraphic characters used for arrays by "!", "+", or "-".
, used with three arguments, transforms a character string by replacing the character at the Nth in the second argument by the character at the same Nth position in the third argument. All the characters not in the second argument string remain the same. If the third string length (L3) is smaller than the second string length (L2), the characters that are located after the position L3 in the second string are suppressed.
The type of result is Char.
Error | Description |
10 | The argument is not a string. |
toupper, tolower, chr$, ascii.