
Delete is used to delete one or several lines from a database table.




 # First example : let's read a record and delete it# When no argument is given, the mode is Curr, the table is the default oneLocal File CUSTOMER [CUST]Read [CUST]CODE="JOHNDOE"If fstat=0DeleteEndif# Second example : let's delete invoice lines# If no transaction is opened, a transaction is performed# Otherwise, the transaction is supposed to be done at the previous levelFunprog DELETE_INVOICE(INV_CODE)Value Char INV_CODE()Local Integer RETURN_STATUS, IF_TRANSACTIONLocal File INVOICE [INV], INVLINES [INL]IF_TRANSACTION=adxlog# Let's perform the header record deletionIf IF_TRANSACTION : Trbegin INVOICE, INVLINES : EndifDelete [INV]CODE=INV_CODERETURN_STATUS=fstat# Error handling : the only status that is a real error is when a locking problem occursIf RETURN_STATUS=[V]CST_ALOCKIf IF_TRANSACTION : Rollback : EndifEnd RETURN_STATUSElsif adxdlrec=0# No record deleted, so no line has to be deleted# This can be considered as an error or not (if yes, we could return [V]CST_AOUTSEARCH)If IF_TRANSACTION : Commit : EndifEnd 0Endif# Let's delete the linesDelete [INL]CODE(1)=INV_CODERETURN_STATUS=fstatIf RETURN_STATUS<>[V]CST_ALOCK : RETURN_STATUS=0 : Endif# Error handlingIf IF_TRANSACTIONIf RETURN_STATUSRollbackElseCommitEndifEndifEnd RETURN_STATUS# Third example : deletion of all the lines in a table in one transaction# If a lot of lines are there, it will be faster to destroy the table and to recreate itLocal File TEMPTABLE [TMP]Delete [TMP] Where KEY>= ""

Description and comments

Delete is used to delete lines from a table according to various modes listed below. Three cases can occur:

If no key value is specified for the modes that require one ( <, >, <=, >=, = ), the current value of the variables of class [F] corresponding to the file is used.

When no key is provided, the last key used to access the table is used. If no previous access was done since the File instruction, the key defined by Order By clause (the first key by default) is used.

When a Where clause is given, the database identifies by itself the most appropriate key to be used depending on the clause.

Delete does not modify the content of the variables of the corresponding class [F].

Delete sets the system variable adxdlrec that contains the number of deleted lines.
fstat contains the return status of the delete operation. Only the following values can be returned by fstat:

Status valueDescription
[V]CST_AOK (0)The lines have been successfully deleted, or not matching record has been found ([adxdlrec](../4gl/ is equal to 0).
[V]CST_ALOCK (1)Some lines are locked.
[V]CST_AOUTSEARCH (2)with <= or >= mode, no line strictly equal to the key value has been found. This is not really an error (adxdlrec lines have been deleted).

There is a small difference of behavior between the SQL server and Oracle when the 'Delete... Where' syntax is used. If the 'where' clause cannot be directly sent to the database and has to be executed by the engine, a deletion loop with locking option is done. If a locking problem is encountered:

This can happen with such a code example:
 Local File SALESORDER [ORD]Trbegin SALESORDER# STATUS can have a value from 1 to N# A local variable array gives, for every status, if the case is blocking or not# Such a syntax cannot be transmitted to the databaseDelete [ORD] Where [L]BLOCKING_CASE([ORD]STATUS)=0If fstat=[V]CST_ALOCK# If oracle, no line has been deleted# If SQL server, some lines can have been deleted# So if we Commit here, the state is unexpected here !!! Endif# A much better code would be the followingLocal Char CONDITION(250)If sum([L]BLOCKING_CASE)<>0CONDITION="find([ORD]STATUS"For I=1 to dim([L]BLOCKING_CASE)If [L]BLOCKING_CASE(I) : CONDITION+=","+num$(I) : EndifNext ICONDITION+=")=0"# CONDITION contains now an expression like : "find([ORD]STATUS,1,5,8)=0"Delete [ORD] Where evalue(CONDITION) : # This will send a "not in" clause with a list of constantsEndif

Associated errors

7The [F] class does not exist (table not declared).
8The number of given values or the index mentioned exceeds the number of elements of the key.
22Read mode incorrect.
21The key does not exist for this table.
27File declared in "read only" mode in the table dictionary.
43No more locks available.

See also

File, Where, For, fstat, adxdlrec.