returns the number of the line in a script where an error occurred. It can be used in the error handling routine set by Onerrgo.
# Let's trigger an error (division by zero)Funprog DIV_BY_ZEROLocal Integer ZERO, ONE, RESULTLocal Char ERROR_MESSAGE(250)ONE=1 : ZERO=0Onerrgo ERR_HANDLERESULT = ONE / ZEROEnd ERROR_MESSAGE$ERR_HANDLEERROR_MESSAGE="Error"-num$(errn)-"raised on line"-num$(errl)-"in script"-errp-"Message:"-errmes$(errn)&-"Additional details:"-errmResume
returns the number of the line in a script. The result type is Integer. errl
has only a significant value in the error handling routine.
errn, errp, Onerrgo, errmes$, errm.