
This instruction frees the memory of an instance. The other instances in the same allocation group are not freed; this can be done by using FreeGroup instruction.

Take care than using Freeinstance rather than Freegroup can bring to memory leaks because the children instances are not freed, and can no more be freed (there is no more a pointer that allows finding them). So this instruction should be avoided in most of the cases.


Freinstance INSTANCE_VAR
See [allocgrp](../4gl/, [FreeGroup](../4gl/ and [NewInstance](../4gl/ for more information on instance allocation and allocation groups.


# Declare two instancesLocal Instance MY_CUSTOMER Using C_CUSTOMERLocal Instance MY_SALESREP# Allocate both instances in the same allocation groupMY_CUSTOMER = NewInstance C_CUSTOMER AllocGroup NullMY_SALESREP = NewInstance C_SALESREP AllocGroup MY_CUSTOMER...# Free the allocation groupFreeInstance MY_CUSTOMER : # FreeInstance MY_SALESREP would free MY_SALESREP# FreeGroup MY_CUSTOMER would free both


`FreeInstance` frees the memory but does not change the pointers that refers to the resources. Using them after a `FreeInstance` will generate errors. It can be useful to reassign them to `null` pointer :
Local Instance MY_CUSTOMER Using C_CUSTOMERMY_CUSTOMER=NewInstance C_CUSTOMER AllocGroup Null...FreeInstance MY_CUSTOMERMY_CUSTOMER=null
As soon as an instance might have children instances, the children instances are allocated in the same group, and using `Freeinstance` rather than `Freegroup` will bring to memory leaks. For example:
Local Instance MY_ORDER Using C_YORDERMY_ORDER=NewInstance C_YORDER AllocGroup Null...# Let's create an orderOK=Fmet MY_ORDER.AINIT# Let's add a first line# This creates a child intance of a class C_YLINE in the same group than MY_ORDEROK=Fmet MY_ORDER.ADDLINES("LINES",[V]CST_ALASTPOS)# Let's create the orderOK=Fmet MY_ORDER.AINSERT# Let's free incorrectly the orderFreeInstance MY_ORDER# Now, MY_ORDER instance is freed, and trying to access to a property of MY_ORDER would fail# As the only pointer I created on the line instance was MY_ORDER.LINES(1) that is no more available# I can no more free the line, so I have a memory leak# The right way to do it is:FreeInstance MY_ORDER.LINES(1)FreeInstance MY_ORDER# But if for any reason an error was raised during a control, an AERROR sub-instance can have been created# somewhere and this will also not bee freed at FreeInstance. So finally, the unique way to do it properly is:FreeGroup MY_ORDER

See also

Structure, Instance, SetInstance, NewInstance, null, allocgrp, cast, FreeGroup