
Caution: keyname has been deprecated in version V12. It has no more to be used by developers.

keyname returns the name of the keys of an opened table. It is an array of string variables present in the [G:abv] class associated with a table opened with the abv abbreviation.


`INDEX` is an integer value that varies from 0 to `[G:abv]nbind`-1.


# Returns the properties of a table defined by TABLENAME parameter in a JSON feedSubprog TABLE_DESCRIPTION(TABLENAME,RESULT)Variable Clbfile RESULT()Value Char TABLENAME()If clalev([XXX]) : LogicClose File [XXX] : Endif : Local File =TABLENAME [XXX]RESULT="{"Append RESULT,' "table" : "' + TABLENAME + '",'Append RESULT,' "columns_number" : ' + num$([G:XXX]nbzon) + ','# List of column (we skip I=0)Append RESULT,' "columns" : ['For I=1 To [G:XXX]nbzon-1Append RESULT,string$(I>1,",") + '"' + [G:XXX]adxfname(I) + '"'Next IAppend RESULT,' ],'Append RESULT,' "index_number" : ' + num$([G:XXX]nbind) + ','# List of indexesAppend RESULT,' "indexes" : ['For I=1 To [G:XXX]nbindAppend RESULT, string$(I>1,",")+ '{'Append RESULT, '"name":"' + [G:XXX]keyname(I-1) + '",'Append RESULT, '"length":' + num$([G:XXX]keylen(I-1)) + ','Append RESULT, '"duplicated":' + string$([G:XXX]keyuniq(I-1)=1,"true") + string$([G:XXX]keyuniq(I-1)=0,"false")Append RESULT, '}'Next IAppend RESULT,'],'Append RESULT,'"record_length":'+num$([G:XXX]tairec)Append RESULT,'}'End
On the table ACCESS, the result (normalized) of the JSON generated by this script is the following:
{"table": "ACCES","columns_number": 12,"columns": [ "CODACC", "USR", "CONSUL", "EXEC", "MODIF", "PRFCOD", "CREUSR", "UPDUSR", "CREDATTIM", "UPDDATTIM", "AUUID" ],"index_number": 2,"indexes": [{ "name": "CODACC", "length": 40, "duplicated": false },{ "name": "PRFCOD", "length": 50, "duplicated": true }],"record_length": 109}

See also

nbzon, nbind, adxfname, keylen, keyuniq, tairec.