
num$ transforms any data type (except BLOBs, CLOBs, and instance pointers) into a string that contains the representation of the data.




 Local Char MY_STRING1(50),MY_STRING2(50),MY_STRING3(50),MY_STRING4(50),MY_STRING5(50),MY_STRING6(50)MY_STRING1=num$(pi) : # Returns "3.14159265358979323846264338328"MY_STRING2=num$([25/12/2013]) : # Returns "25/12/2013"MY_STRING3=num$(getuuid) : # Returns UUID canonical representation , for instance "9646a691-47b8-45e2-b02d-2146093ba371"MY_STRING4=num$(datetime$): # Returns date time canonical representation, for instance "2013-12-16T10:37:17Z"MY_STRING5=num$("This is already a string") : # Returns "This is already a string"MY_STRING6=num$(10^37) : # Returns "1e37"


num$ returns a string containing:
* The decimal representation of a number, without leading and trailing spaces.
* A representation in a DD/MM/YYYY date format.
* A canonical representation of an UUID or a date time value.
* The string itself if the parameter is a string.

If the argument of a numeric value exceeds 10^36, the scientific notation is used.

The type of the result is Char.

Associated errors

Error codeDescription
10The argument is a BLOB, CLOB, or an instance pointer.

See also

val, format$.