
This function transforms a UCS2 encoded character string into another format that is given by an additional parameter. It returns the number of character found in the destination.



Any other given value will trigger an error.


CODECODE CODEsh# Let's transcode a character string from one format to another# SOURCE_FORMAT should be "ASCII", "UCS2",or "UTF8"# DESTINATION_FORMAT should be "ASCII", "UCS2",or "UTF8"Funprog TRANSCODE(SOURCE, SOURCE_FORMAT, DESTINATION,DESTINATION_FORMAT)Const Clbfile SOURCEVariable ClbFile DESTINATIONConst Char SOURCE_FORMAT,DESTINATION_FORMATLocal Integer I# Let's first look if the format is the sameIf toupper(SOURCE_FORMAT)=toupper(DESTINATION_FORMAT)DESTINATION=SOURCEEnd len(DESTINATION)Endif# Now let's use one or two transcodingsCase toupper(SOURCE_FORMAT)-toupper(DESTINATION_FORMAT)When "ASCII UCS2" : I=strDecode(SOURCE,DESTINATION,50)When "UTF8 UCS2" : I=strDecode(SOURCE,DESTINATION,0)When "UCS2 ASCII" : I=strEncode(SOURCE,DESTINATION,50)When "UCS2 UTF8" : I=strEncode(SOURCE,DESTINATION,0)When Default : Local Integer ISIZEISIZE=max(0,int(1+log(max(1,len(SOURCE)+1))/log(2))-9)Local Clbfile INTERMEDIATE(ISIZE)Case toupper(SOURCE_FORMAT)-toupper(DESTINATION_FORMAT)When "ASCII UTF8" : I=strDecode(SOURCE,INTERMEDIATE,50)I=strEncode(INTERMEDIATE,DESTINATION,0)When "UTF8 ASCII" : I=strDecode(SOURCE,INTERMEDIATE,0)I=strEncode(INTERMEDIATE,DESTINATION,50)When Default : # Unknown conversionEnd -1EndcaseEndcaseEnd I# Let's create a blob containing an ascii text# The Clbfile text is always stoed in memory in UCS2 formatLocal Clbfile TEXT(0)Local Blbfile BLOB_TEXT(0)Local Integer ITEXT="This is a text"+chr$(10)+"with several lines"+chr$(10)+"including accents"+"I asked for an 'à la carte menu'"I=strEncode(TEXT,BLOB_TEXT,50)

See also

B64Decode, B64Encode, strDecode