allows you to repeat a loop of instructions as long as a condition is true.
is a list of instructions in a script.EXPRESSION
is a numeric expression that is considered as true if it is not equal to 0.# Example 1 : let's perform a computation with successive approximationsVARIA=INIT_VALUEWhile abs(func COMPUTE(VARIA)-TARGET)>EXPECTED_PRECISIONVARIA=func ITERATE(VARIA)Wend# Example 2 : let's wait until the database is updated or until a limit hour is reachedTIMEOUT="22:00:00"While time$<TIMEOUTSleep 1Break func DATABASE_UPDATED=1Wend
allows to perform loops as long as the following occurs:
If the condition is false at the beginning, no iteration is done, and the execution resumes after the Wend.
Error code | Description |
10 | The expression given after Until is not numeric. |
For, To, Next, Step, Break, Repeat, Until, Wend, If, Then, Else, Elsif, Endif.