Dashboard upgrade

Full version 7 functionApplication/ContractSage X3ClassAMIGPORTRepresentationAMIGPORT

This tool transcodes the version 6 portal associated with a user or a trade code, and generates a set of dashboards with the same contents.

The query page

When opening the page, a query displays the list of trade codes and/or users for which the portal can be generated. The following information appears on the list:

From this query page, two links are available on the lines:

Initiating the generation

The initiation is activated by clicking Dashboard Import on the corresponding line. The generation is carried out in two successive steps:

If errors occur, they will appear in the upper panel of the window. Otherwise, the following message will appear:

Operation finished in xx.yyy secondsN menu items, M portlets, and P dashboards created or updated


A supervisor parameter called ACONVONLY can be set up at the user level to define how the generation must be performed on Sage X3 object functions: