Customized pages

Administration PageApplication/ContractSyracuse/CollaborationClasspageDefsRepresentationpageDef

A page defines a description made by the personalization function that changes the default layout of a page sent by the endpoint whom it is associated with. A page may have several variants associated with different use cases. Only the pages that have been modified by personalization will appear on the list of pages. Deleting this page will restore the page to its default layout.

The page that defines the pages contains two sections:



Defines the main characteristics of the page, including the following:


The code that is present only on the query defines the activity the page is linked to. The format of the code is the following:

Type of pageCode
Administration page for entity xxx and for facet$fff
Sage X3 page for representation rrr and for facet fffx3.$$prod.rrr.$fff
Classic page for window xxxx3.$$$fusion


The title describes the page. It is by default, equal to the code that is not visible in the Detail facet.


A longer description of the page.


Corresponds to the representation associated with the authored page.


Corresponds to the facet associated with the authored page.


Corresponds to the device the page is designed for. It can be one of the following choices:desktop or phone.


Defines the application the representation is originated from. It can be either Syracuse Collaboration or X3 $$PROD.


Indicated the author of the application; "Sage" is displayed by default.


This section contains a grid that lists different available variants. At least one variant exists. For every variant, you can define a list of roles, users, and endpoints the variant applies to.

In the grid, the following columns appear:


A unique identifier of the variant.


A short title describing the variant.


A longer description for the variant.


This check box defines if the record is supplied as a factory record. When this happens, a factory code is also displayed and can be entered if you are a factory provider. This features allows to prevent some modifications on records supplied by defaut by Sage or by a vertical solution provider. More information about this feature is given in the following document.

Note that the only actions possible on this grid are to delete a variant or to modify its characteristics. No insertion of a variant is possible. The variants are created by the personalization action and their name is given by default when the authored page is saved.

When clicking the chevron on the line associated with a variant, three tabs appear:

Applies To Roles

A list of roles can be provided. If no role is provided, the page can be used by every role; otherwise, only the listed roles can have access to it.

Applies To Users

A list of users can be provided. If no user is provided, the page can be used by every user; otherwise, only the listed users can have access to it.

Applies To Endpoints

A list of endpoints can be provided. Only endpoints attached to the right application can be chosen. If no endpoint is provided, the page can be used by every endpoint; otherwise, only the listed endpoints can have access to it.