Storage volumes management

Administration PageApplication / ContractSyracuse / CollaborationClassstorageVolumesRepresentationstorageVolume

The Sage X3 platform supplies the management of logical volumes. A volume is where documents can be safely stored and shared. Any upload or download of a document can be performed from or to a logical volume.

DefinitionQuery page


A volume can be the following:

This function manages both global volumes and endpoint associated volumes. At query time, the presented list aggregates all of the global volumes and the volumes defined for every endpoint.

Query page

A volume is defined by the following information:


This code identifies the volume. It can be any character string including spaces. It must be unique among all volumes associated with endpoints.


Describes the volume.


This information can only have the following value:


Links the volume to a Sage X3 folder. Endpoints must be defined if the storage aread is a CLOB or a BLOB type. It can be defined if the storage area is a File type. It must be empty if the storage area is a mongodb type.


This check box defines if the record is supplied as a factory record or not. When checked, a factory code is also displayed and can be entered if you are a factory provider. This features allows to prevent some modifications on records supplied by defaut by Sage or by a vertical solution provider. More information about this feature is given in the following document.