Supervisor license visualization

Full version 7 functionApplication/ContractSage X3/ERPClassAVISULICRepresentationAVISULICFacet / key$detail facet only with a key that is a space

This page provides access to different parameters (except for badges), which are used to control the rights the current user (with his current role) has on a Sage X3 endpoint.

The data that is presented is the following:

License type list

A first section gives the list of license files that have been installed. Every license file is identified by:
* A partner identifier.
* A product and a revision code.
* A policy and a revision code.
* An expiration flag.
* A serial number.

At least one unexpired couple (license and policy) must be present; otherwise, the server will not start.


This section lists different elements that define the license authorizations. For every type of element, a list is given, followed by a value. The list comes from the policy file and defines the element of license subject to authorization; the value list comes from the license.

Activity codes

This element list defines the activity codes for the application folder that are controlled according to the license. The value associated with every controlled activity code is true if the activity code can be activated, and false if it cannot be activated.


This element list defines the connection languages for the application folder that are controlled according to the license. The value associated with every controlled language code is true if the language code can be used for connection, and false if it cannot be used.


This element list defines the functions for the application folder that are controlled according to the license. The value associated with every controlled function code is true if the user can access the function, and false if it cannot be used.


This element list defines the modules for the application folder that are controlled according to the license. The value associated with every controlled module code is true if the user can access the functions associated with the module, and false if it cannot be used.

Setup kits

This element list defines the predefined setup kits that can be installed on the application folder according to the license. The value associated with every controlled function code is true if the setup kit can be installed, and false if it cannot be installed.


This element list defines the legislation codes for the application folder that are controlled according to the license. The value associated with every controlled legislation is true if the user can access the features linked to the legislation, and false if it cannot be use.

Parameter definition

This element list defines the parameter for the application folder controlled according to the license. When a parameter is defined in this list, its value can only be read and not be modified.

Access to the license elements

The different license elements are available for the development partners willing to test them as read-only elements in the context.