Api get details

Calling a service to get the details of a record for an entity is done by an http GET request.

Calling Syntax

The query request on an entity is done by using a get on the following syntax:


For example, the query to get the detail of a storage volume identified by its UUID (abbreviated) can be the following:


If no error occurs, the http status 200 is returned.

If a key that does not exist is given, then the http status 404 (not found) is returned. For X3 endpoints, an error payload is also present in the body.

If the request is successful, the body will return a payload that includes:
* Some meta-data information. The information that may be present is:
* "$url" : the URL called.
* "$uuid" : a unique ID associated with the line.
* "$key" : the unique key identifying the line.
* "$creDate", "$creUser", "$updDate", "$updUsr": creation and update date and user.

Example on collaboration endpoint

If you use the previous example to get the definition of a storage volume identified by its unique ID ('32..8a' abbreviated as shown):


The result payload will be:

{"$uuid": "32..8a","$key": "32..8a","$url": "/api1/syracuse/collaboration/syracuse/storageVolumes('32..8a')?representation=storageVolume.$details","$etag": 1,"$creUser": "anonymous","$creDate": "2013-12-07T08:52:49.194Z","$updUser": "anonymous","$updDate": "2014-01-07T14:36:58.391Z","$properties": {"storageType": {"$isDisabled": true},"path": {"$isHidden": true},"dynamic": {"$isHidden": true}},"code": "WORD_TEMPLATE_REPORT","description": "Word templates for reporting","storageType": "db_file","dynamic": false,"$links": {"$browse": {"$title": "List of files","$url": "{$baseUrl}/documents?representation=document.$query&where=(volume eq \"{$uuid}\")","$target": "blank"}},"$value": "Word templates for reporting"}

In this payload:
* "$properties" describes meta data associated with the properties of the volume.
* "$links" describes a unique link that gives access to the page listing the documents in the volume.

Example on an X3 endpoint

A call to get the detail of the YORDER resource on a SEED endpoint on the server will be:


The result payload will be:

{"$uuid":"2ca7a135-c487-1c45-bd59-6a52be8b0767","$etag":"2014-02-07T08:40:56Z","COMMENT":"First grade quality expected","CURRENCY":"USD","CURRENCY_REF":{"$title":"US Dollar","$description":"US Dollar","$symbol":"$"},"CUSTOMER":"PT152","CUSTOMER_REF":{"$title":"LouroSoft","$description":"J.Louro & Associados"},"YOHLINES":[{"$uuid":"6bafc0a1-abc6-444b-90ab-4330a7ab0098","ITEM":"BMS028","ITEM_REF":{"$description":"Tire - Mountain"},"PRICE":18040.25,"QTY":25,"UNITPRICE":721.61},{"$uuid":"514ebd8a-a444-9a4a-b9e0-dfc4a8edca4e","ITEM":"FIN010","ITEM_REF":{"$description":"CU Dual Office workstation"},"PRICE":1608.6,"QTY":15,"UNITPRICE":107.24}],"ORDDAT":"2010-11-24","ORDNUM":"14020002","ORDSTA":3,"TOTAL":19648.85}

In this payload:
* "CURRENCY" is a reference, "CURRENCY_REF" giving the associated properties.
* "YOHLINES" is a collection of lines.