Api get query
Calling a service to get the result of a query for an entity is done by an http GET request.
The query request on an entity is done using a GET on the following syntax:http://SERVER:SERVICE/api1/APPLICATION/CONTRACT/ENDPOINT/ENTITY?representation=REPRESENTATION.$query
is the server address followed by the service number.APPLICATION
is the application (syracuse, erp, or hrm).CONTRACT
is the api1 contract (administration or x3).ENDPOINT
is the endpoint (collaboration or an endpoint associated with an X3 or HRM folder).ENTITY
is the class name.REPRESENTATION
is the representation name.Additional parameter can be added in the format ¶meter=value
. The parameter that can be given in a query request can be added in a menu item query definition.
For example, if the query is the following:http://my_server:8124/syracuse/collaboration/syracuse/endPoints?representation=endPoints.%24query&count=100
If no error occurs, the http status 200 is returned. Sending a request that does not return any line is not an error: the status will still be 200, but the "$resources"
array will be empty.
Sending a URL that contains an unknown property in the 'WHERE' will return an error on X3 endpoints (500) and be ignored on administration endpoints.
The body will return a payload that includes:
* Some meta-data information. The information that may be present is:
* "$url"
: the URL called
* "$descriptor"
: the name of the entity
* "$itemsPerPage"
: the number of lines requested
* "$totalResults"
: the number of lines found
* ...
An array called "$resources"
that contains the lines. Every property in the line is listed. If an entity is a reference to another entity, it appears as a sub-entity. Some meta data information may also be present, such as:
: a unique ID associated with the line."$key"
: the unique key identifying the line."$creDate"
, "$creUser"
, "$updDate"
, "$updUsr"
: creation and update date and user.Additional elements can be present, such as:
to describe navigation links that can be located at the global level on the structure or on every line element."$properties"
to describe meta-data related to the properties.A call to get the list of the endpoints resource with a maximum number of 100 on a server is:
The result payload is:
{"$url": "http://my_server:8124/api1/syracuse/collaboration/syracuse/endPoints?representation=endPoints.%24query&count=100","$descriptor": "endPoints","$startIndex": 1,"$itemsPerPage": 100,"$totalResults": 3,"$ui": ...,"$resources": [{"$uuid": "20a5550c-5412-476d-a4ad-2c85074176ea","$key": "20a5550c-5412-476d-a4ad-2c85074176ea","$url": "/api1/syracuse/collaboration/syracuse/endPoints('20a5550c-5412-476d-a4ad-2c85074176ea')?representation=endPoint.$details","$etag": 1,"$creUser": "admin","$creDate": "2013-12-07T13:44:21.304Z","$updUser": "admin","$updDate": "2013-12-07T13:44:21.304Z","$properties": {"databaseDriver": {"$isMandatory": false,"$isHidden": true},..."menuProfileToRoles": {"$isHidden": false}},"description": "SEED folder on demo Syracuse solution","application": "x3","contract": "erp","protocol": "x3","dataset": "SEED","databaseDriver": "mongodb","x3ServerFolder": "SEED","x3SolutionName": "DEMOSYR","applicationRef": {"$uuid": "46976d3e-127f-4e66-9cf0-c8fb985b4aa0","$key": "46976d3e-127f-4e66-9cf0-c8fb985b4aa0","description": "X3 ERP"},"x3server": {...},"$value": "SEED folder on demo Syracuse solution"},{...}],"$links": {"$excel": {"$url": ...,"$title": "Excel","$type": "application/syracuse-excel-worksheet"}},"$template": {...}}
is a reference whose properties (key and description) are defined in the structure."$properties"
describes meta data associated with the properties of the entity."$links"
describes a unique link that gives access to Excel.A call to get the list of the TABCOUNTRY resource on a DEMO endpoint on the server is:
The result payload is:
{"$itemsPerPage":20,"$resources":[{"$uuid":"81e1d142-2c5b-4c29-b322-e20b9c040a7b","$etag":"2014-12-10T12:27:44Z","CRY":"AR","CRYDES":"Argentine","EECFLG":false,"EECDAT":"0000-00-00","CUR":"ARS","CUR_REF":{"$title":""},"LAN":"SPA","LAN_REF":{"$title":"Spanish","$description":"Spanish"}},{"$uuid":"f3b1e21e-f011-4c78-854b-0f9b90ce97af","$etag":"2014-12-10T12:27:44Z","CRY":"BE","CRYDES":"Belgium","EECFLG":true,"EECDAT":"1999-01-01","CUR":"EUR","CUR_REF":{"$title":"Euro","$description":"EURO","$symbol":"EUR","$scale":2,"$precision":13},"LAN":"FRA","LAN_REF":{"$title":"french","$description":"French"}}, ...],"$links":{"$next":{"$url":"http://aysyrqav7:8144/api1/x3/hrm/GEMFPROBIS/TABCOUNTRY?representation=TABCOUNTRY.$query&key=gt.BH&orderBy=CRY","$type":"application/json;vnd.sage=syracuse"},"$last":{"$url":"http://aysyrqav7:8144/api1/x3/hrm/GEMFPROBIS/TABCOUNTRY?representation=TABCOUNTRY.$query&key=lt&orderBy=CRY","$type":"application/json;vnd.sage=syracuse"}}}
gives the number of items requested (20 is the default)."LAN"
is a reference, "LAN_REF" giving the associated properties."$links"
describes a two pagination link to get the next and previous page.