Api put

Updating an existing record in an entity is done through a PUT URL. The body must include the data to be modified.

For example, to modify a volume identified by its key (a UUID) in the administration endpoint (on my_server:8214), the request is a PUT on the following URL:


The body must include all the properties modified. The following data can be sent:

{"description": "Log file modified","storageType": "db_file"}

The http status will be 200 (Updated) if the result is successful, 404 if the record was not found, or 401 if the modification is not authorized.

The body returned includes the details of the properties, including the additional meta-data properties. For example, it can be:

{"$uuid": "5a4fa630-8d02-4942-a768-f29a2d2d7939","$key": "5a4fa630-8d02-4942-a768-f29a2d2d7939","$url": "http://my_server:8124/api1/syracuse/collaboration/syracuse/storageVolumes('5a4fa630-8d02-4942-a768-f29a2d2d7939')","$etag": 1,"$creUser": "XDOM","$creDate": "2014-02-17T12:25:06.060Z","$updUser": "XDOM","$updDate": "2014-02-17T12:25:06.060Z","$properties": {"code": {"$diagnoses": []},"description": {"$diagnoses": []},"storageType": {"$isDisabled": true},"path": {"$isHidden": true},"dynamic": {"$isHidden": true}},"code": "LOG1","description": "Log file modified","storageType": "db_file","dynamic": false,"$links": {"$browse": {"$title": "List of files","$url": "{$baseUrl}/documents?representation=document.$query&where=(volume eq \"{$uuid}\")","$target": "blank"}},"$value": "Log files modified","$actions": {"$save": {"$isRequested": false,"$links": {"$details": {"$isHidden": false},"$query": {"$isHidden": false},"$create": {"$isHidden": false}},"$diagnoses": [{"$severity": "success","$message": "Resource has been saved"}],"$isDisabled": true}}}