Get parameter values sent in a representation URL

A URL corresponding to a representation can have additional parameters sent with the syntax &parameter=value at the end of the main URL. It might be important for a developer using this representation to get the corresponding parameter values if they exist.

The corresponding method can be used on any representation:


PARAMNAME is the name of the parameter.

For example: Let us consider that you have a representation called YORDER where you want to have a field called WARNINGMES in your query representation. But as the warnings may concern different fields, you want to select the field by having an additional parameter called field.

The code would be, in this case, located on the AQUERY_TRANS_AFTER event:

$AQUERY_TRANS_AFTERLocal Char FIELD(30)FIELD=fmet this.AGETVALPARAMURL("field")If FIELD="finance"this.YOR.WARNINGMES=string$([YOH]TOTAL>1000,"Financial risk")Elsif FIELD="inventory"this.YOR.WARNINGMES=string$([YOH]FCY="001","Frequent shipping delays")Elsif FIELD="manager"this.YOR.WARNINGMES=[YOH]COMMENTElsethis.YOR.WARNINGMES=""EndifReturn

The URLs that call the query could be:





The result displayed on the warning columns would then be different.