Installing Business Intelligence

The Sage X3 version V12 Business Intelligence (BI) component is designed to work with the SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4.2. This document describes how to install BI for Sage X3 version V12.


The implementation of the Business Intelligence requires that you install:

Installation procedure

  1. Connect to the Windows server that will receive BI.
    Make sure the installation user has administrative rights.
  2. Install BO XI 4.2 SP7 64 bits, which can be found on a separate DVD, with Sage X3 distribution.
    Follow the setup instructions.
  3. Install BO XI 4.2 SP7 Client tools 32 bits which is on a separate DVD with Sage X3 distribution. Then follow the setup instructions.
  4. Install BO XI 4.2 SP7 64 bits Patch 7, which can be found on a separate DVD, with Sage X3 distribution.
    Follow the setup instructions.
  5. Make sure that the Sage X3 ADXADMIN service installed on the BO server is started with a local machine administrator account. If not, you need to modify it.
    Caution: By default, the ADXADMIN service is started as a Local System, which is incorrect.
  6. Install the Sage X3 BO component.
    To launch the installation, execute the .jar file located in the SafeX3BO folder.
  7. Launch the Sage X3 Console and load the Sage X3 Solution in which the BO server will be published.
    Optionally: If you have selected multi-tier architecture, you also have to load the Sage X3 Decisional Application in the Sage X3 console before continuing.
  8. In the Sage X3 console, load the BO component you installed before and configure the component.
  9. In the Sage X3 console, publish the BO component with the Sage X3 solution previously loaded.
    If you answer Yes when asked if you want to use a Sage Decisional solution, the multi-tier installation will prompt you to select the Sage X3 Decisional application to use.
    This step will import all the Sage X3 BI reports in the BO CMS of the server.
    You can check the success of the publication by making sure that reports exist in the Sage folder within the BO CMC WEB application.
  10. From a Web Syracuse server connection:
    1. Log in to http://[ServerName:port] (for example: http://aysyrqav7:8124) from an Internet browser using the user/password: admin/admin.
    2. Define the Business Objects server: Click the BO Servers link in the Administration menu and click +New Business Objects server. Enter the name, host, tomcat port, web services port and administrator password. Click Save.
    3. Associate the Business Objects server to a SAFE X3 server: Click the X3 server link in the Administration menu and edit the SAFE X3 server you want to associate the Business Objects server with. Enter the Business Objects server name in the BO server field. Click Save.
    4. Define a Business Objects profile: Click the BO profiles link in the Administration menu and click +New Business Objects profile. Enter the name, user, password and the BO server name. Click Save.
    5. Associate Business Objects server and profile to a Role: Click the Roles link in the Administration menu and edit the role you want to associate the Business Objects profile with. Enter the Business Objects server name and the Business Objects profile name in the Business Objects profile list. Click Save.