How to set up the web server behind a reverse proxy performing http to https conversion

Using the node web server to make it work in https mode can be done by setting up the host definition. This allows notably to define several services, some running in http and some running in https for the same node.js server.

But sometimes, the https implementation is done by a dedicated proxy that manages SSL and sends back the feed with the node server in http. In this case, the node server will exchange http feeds with the proxy. But as hyper-links are embedded in the exchanges for the navigation, it becomes necessary to set-up the fact that these links must be prefixed by https.

This is done by changing some settings in a configuration file called nodelocal.js.

This configuration file is located in Syracuse\syracuse\bin folder (path relative to the installation path of the platform).

In config structure, on hosting sub-structure, you must set a https property to true. This is an extract of a nodelocal.js configuration file:

exports.config = {...,hosting: {...,https: true,...},...},


nodelocal.js only present values that are different from the default value. If any structure presented here is missing, this is normal and you'll have to create it.