License file format

The license that Sage delivers to you as a customer is defined by a file that is installed on your server in the database. Installation is performed in the following methods:
* During Version 7 web server setup, enter the path of the license file, and then the license is installed automatically.
* The correct method to install a license is to paste the license contents into the "License management" screen (see our License management documentation) and invoke "Load license".
* If you cannot start the Version 7 application because of a missing license: Copy the license to a file license.json into the temp subfolder of the bin folder of the Version 7 web server installation. Start the Version 7 service. The file will be read, the contents installed, and the file will be renamed to license.bbb.

This file is in JSON format, with the UTF8 character set. It will grant you the access rights to the software and includes several elements described below:

A policy file is also installed on the server with the software. This file has a JSON structure, and includes three pieces of information that must match the corresponding information in the license file. Otherwise, the license will not be considered as valid. These are:
* partnerId
* code
* version

The policy file also contains the possible values for badges, modules, activityCodes, languages, legislations, parameters and parameterKits elements. If one of the codes in the license file does not match the policy file, the license is not valid.

The contents of the signature and signatureText elements are a digital signature and the identification of the signer. They ensure the validity of the license file.


CODECODE CODE json{"fileType": "License","partnerId": "","product": {"code": "ERP","version": "7.0"},"policy": {"code": "ERPSTD","version": "1.0"},"licensedTo": {"name": "MY SMALL COMPANY","address": {"address1": "14 Rue du Chemin Vert","city": "Paris","zip": "75011","state": "","country": "FR"}},"validity": ["2012-09-01", "2014-08-31"],"modules": [{"code": "SAL","validity": ["2012-10-01", "2012-12-31"]}],"activityCodes": [{"code": "C1"}, {"code": "C2"}],"languages": [{"code": "FRA"},{"code": "CHI""validity": ["2012-10-01", "2012-12-31"]}],"legislations": [{"code": "FRA"}],"parameterKits": [{"code": "KIT1"}, {"code": "KIT2","validity": ["2012-08-01", "2013-12-31"]}],"sessionControl": "concurrent","licenseType": "STANDARD","maxSessions": 5,"badges": [{"code": "ACCTCLRK","max": 20}, {"code": "CFO","max": 1}],"parameters": [{"code": "MAXFIXEDASSETS","value": 10000},{"code": "WSSIZELIMIT","value": 1},{"code": "WSPERIOD","value": "DAY"},{"code": "WSGRACELIMIT","value": 10},{"code": "GRACESLOWDOWN","value": 5}],"signature": "a9Rtk8JJm0....","signatureText": "Sage"}