Functional prerequisites and postrequisites for the upgrade of a folder
Prerequisites to the upgrade process
- Make sure the data to upgrade is consistent.
It is not always the case for folders containing many movements and that have gone through maintenance phases (especially if there are specific developments). - Go to Development > Utilities > Verifications > Data > Consistencies to detect any problem that could generate errors during the upgrade process and require to restart it.
- Purge temporary tables that might take a long time to upgrade (for example the query table).
GEXEAN variable
Global variable GEXEAN
has been deleted from the variables dictionary (GESAGB). Any development requiring the GEXEAN
global variable needs to call the EXEAN subprogram to allow the declaration and initialization of this variable:
If dim(GEXEAN)<0: Call EXEAN From GLOBCPT: Endif
Postrequisites to the upgrade process
Management of XML bank files with the pain001.001.003 format
To enable this feature, copy the following settings from the X3 folder to the operating folder:
- Bank files setup function (GESTFB):
New delivered file: VIRINT03, ISO20022 payment file with pain001.001.003 format - Payment entry transactions setup function (GESTPY):
New transaction FVIRV "Supplier - Variable international transfers" using the VIRINT03 bank file - Sequence number definition setup function (GESANM):
New sequence number counter VARFB used in the VIRINT03 bank file - Sequence number assignment function (GESTCA):
Assignment of the VAFB sequence number on line 19 of the BP module
Optional management of the BIC code
To enable this feature, copy the following settings from the X3 folder to the operating folder:
- Bank files setup function (GESTFB):
Modified files: SCT03 and SDD02 - Import templates setup function (GESAOE):
Modified template: MDT
Factoring management with or without recourse
To enable this feature, copy the following settings from the X3 folder to the operating folder:
- Parameters of variables setup function (GESGVA)
New parameters: AMTNOTFCT, BPRFCT, DUDAMT, DUDLOC, LEDCUR, PAYCUR and VCRCUR - Automatic journal variables setup function (GESGVG):
New variables: AMTFCTNREC and AMTNOTFCT - Automatic journal setup function (GESGAU):
New automatic journals: FCNOD, FCTN2, FCTOD, FCTQ2
Automatic journals modified: FCTN and FCTQ - Automatic journal groups setup function (GESGRA):
New groups: FCTN, FCTQ - Default dimensions setup function (GESCDE):
New default dimension code: FCT (to be adjusted for the definition of the customer initialization rules)
New accounting code lines have been delivered in the GESCCL function - Line 4 to 11 for "factor" accounting codes. You need to adjust the accounting codes of the "factor" type in order to add the new accounts to be used, depending on the customer's chart of accounts.
Fixed Assets
Make sure buildings have been converted during the upgrade and that they are available in the PHYBUI representation (Common data > Fixed asset tables > Buildings).
Make sure locations have been converted during the upgrade and that they are available in the PHYLCT representation (Common data > Fixed asset tables > Locations).
Physical assets
Make sure physical assets have been converted during the upgrade and that they are available in the PHYELT representation (Common data > Fixed asset tables > Physical assets).
Production workbench
Make sure the unit defined at the level of parameter DEFUOM - Default unit (FAS chapter, FAS group, folder level) is displayed in the production plan header (Fixed assets > Fixed assets > Production plan).
Import templates
Since the implementation of a new management for physical elements and for the stock count in update 9, the related import templates have been deleted in the upgrade.
Mass recodings
After the upgrade, (optional) mass recoding setups can be deleted because of obsolete keys. Make sure their recoding parameters, if any, are available (Fixed assets > Utilities > Mass recoding).
Quote types
The upgrade process must assign a quote type in the Quote type field (SQHTYP) for all existing quotes.
During folder creation, the following quote types and general parameters are copied from the reference folder:
- SQHTYP – Quote type (VEN chapter, QUO group)
- SOHTYPNOR - Normal order type (VEN chapter, ORD group)
- SOHTYPINV - Direct invoice order type (VEN chapter, ORD group)
- SOHTYPOPN - Open order type (VEN chapter, ORD group)
Only the types whose legislation is empty or managed in the destination folder will be copied from the reference folder.
You can set up this data on two levels, depending on the upgrade time:
- If the upgrade is performed at the same time as the folder validation, set up the data in the reference folder, with the expected type codes (quote type tables and general parameters). Otherwise, the system will use the default types delivered in the standard setup.
- If the upgrade is performed after the folder validation, set up the data in the destination folder with the expected type codes (quote type tables and general parameters). Otherwise, the system will use the default types copied from the reference folder.
Identification of the quote type in the upgraded folder:
- For each quote, the system checks the value of the SQHTYP general parameter.
- If no value is defined for this parameter, the system selects the first quote type (in alphabetical order) that matches the company legislation related to the quote.
- If no result can be found, the system selects the first quote type (in alphabetical order) with an empty legislation.
If the quote type has not been determined after the search in the upgraded folder, the search is then performed in the reference folder:
- The system selects the first quote type (in alphabetical order) that corresponds to the company legislation of the quote.
- If no result can be found, the system selects the first quote type (in alphabetical order) with an empty legislation.
After the upgrade, or when the upgrade is performed after folder validation, the sequence numbers defined in the GESTCA function (Setup > General parameters > Sequence number definition > Assignment) must be reassigned to the appropriate quote types in order to preserve the sequence numbers order.
Price initialization on an inter-company sales order
During the upgrade process, a value is assigned to the Price transfer field, in the Automatic flows table of the Inter-company setup function (Setup > Organizational structure > Intercompany) for each flow line.
- If the source document is a purchase order, the Price transfer column is initialized with value "No".
- If the source document is a sales invoice, the Price transfer column is initialized with value "Yes".
Transfer rules for invoicing elements of the Sales module
In the Invoicing elements function (GESSFI), you need to check the values of the new lines of the Transfer rules table.
During folder upgrade, the rules that apply to these new lines in the Invoicing elements function are based on the following principles:
- The transfer rules for a return on credit memo are the same as those used for invoices on credit memos.
- The transfer rules of a service contract on invoice are based on the following values to ensure their consistency with the behavior of previous versions:
- Split rules: All invoices (for invoicing elements in amount or percentage)
- Grouping rules: First service contract
- Grouping: Yes
You can only modify this rule when the validation is complete.
EU Intrastat
For folders where subcontracting is managed, you must perform a blank extraction after an upgrade to update 9 in order to identify the documents that have not been extracted yet. Otherwise, these documents will be displayed when performing a new extraction with the Intrastat declaration.