Sandbox configuration file
For security reasons, you must have a security sandbox definition file for any server where:
daemon or service runs,sadfsq
software is installed to allow access to files in the file system through the Sage X3 engine.trusted
and untrusted
when called directly or when called from a trusted
execution instance.untrusted
mode as well.Some limitations apply on trusted
code execution:
* the sandbox limitation applies for files accessed from the server.
* restrictions exist on the order executed by the System
command as explained below.
On untrusted
code execution, the limitations are more severe:
* only the sandbox location with secured
flag set to true
can be accessed.
* no execution of a System
command is possible.
The format of the file is the following:
{ "sandbox": {"directories": [{"path": "...","extensions": ["...", "..." ]"pattern": ["...", "..." ]"writable": true,"secured": true,"volume": "A"}…],"spawn": [{"path": "…","pattern": "…""params": […],"modes": […]}…],"allowConsole" : false}
section, the directories
section is a collection of entries that define the sandbox as a whitelist of locations that can be accessed. If there is no match, the access is denied. The following rules apply:adxvolume
configuration file. For more information, see the filpath documentation.writable
defines if files can be created or modified in the corresponding directory. Its value is false
by default.secured
defines if the directory can be accessed by in untrusted execution mode. Its value is false
by default.In the sandbox
section, the spawn
section is a collection of entries that define the system commands usable in trusted mode as a whitelist. If there is no match with the command to be executed, the execution is denied. The following rules apply:
is the directory where the command can be found. This path must of course be included in the sandbox whitelist.pattern
defines the command pattern to be executed (as a regular expression). See the section above to know the syntaxes usable for regular expressions.params
is an optional collection of numbers that give the list of parameters of the command that are files.modes
is a collection of strings associated to the previous params
collection, that defines if the corresponding files need read and/or write access (the strings in the collection will include "r" and/or "w" for this purpose).spawn
rules before execution of the script.The allowConsole
parameter must be set to true
to allow the console to operate. The console operation implies access to all the folders of the server and not only to the whitelist. To ensure this, the adxadmin software, used by the console, is not concerned by the sandbox restrictions. It is therefore important to deactivate the console during normal operations, because there is a security flaw if the flag remains set to true
. This must only be the case during the short installation and configuration period, or when an evolution of the configuration has to be piloted by the console.
In normal exploitation conditions, allowConsole
must be set to false
As there is no exception on folders that can be accessed, the following folders must be present in the whitelist table. The engine will not work properly otherwise. The paths of these folders start with xxxx/runtime
, which is supposed to be the path where the runtime is installed:
This folder stores the configuration file and should be available for the other runtimes that access the server from the network. | { "path": "xxxx/runtime/cfg","extensions": [ "json" ]} |
This folder stores a semaphore file that needs to be accessed by the process monitoring function (psadx). | { "path": "xxx/V7.1/runtime/sem","writable": true,"extensions": [ "map", "dat" ]} |
This folder stores log files of the engine and must therefore be accessible in write mode. | { "path": "xxxx/runtime/tmp","extensions": [ "*" ]} |
Every time an engine function uses file access in read or write mode (with functions such as Delfile, Renamefile, Openi, Openo, and Openio) on a given Sage X3 server, the check is done against the configuration file installed on the right server. If the configuration file denies access to the corresponding file, the error code 27 (no access) appears.
It is possible to check the fact that a file is readable and/or writeable using the checkpath function.
Every time a System command is executed in a secured Cloud environment, the rules defined in the spawn
section are tested if the execution mode is trusted
. If the result is unsuccessful, the error code 27 (no access) is returned. In untrusted
mode, the error is raised anyway.
Characters | Definition | Example |
\ | Escape character (must be doubled in path definitions) | C:\\Sage\\bin |
[character_list] | One of the characters in the list | [ABC] defines one of the characters A, B, C |
[f-l] | One character in the range defined by the first (f) and last (l) character. | [A-Z0-9] defines a character that can be either an upper case letter or a digit. |
(p1|p2|p2) | One of the patterns given in the list (here p1, p2 or p3) | (SUB|CNS|X|Y|Z)[A-Z]* defines a name composed of uppercase characters starting either with SUB, CNS, X, Y or Z. |
* | repeats the previous pattern N times (N can be 0) | [A-Z][A-Z0-9]* defines a name starting with an upper case letter followed by a variable number of characters that can be upper case letters and/or digits. |
. | Any character | .* defines N characters (N can be 0). |
^ | Optional marker for the beginning of the pattern | ^.*A defines a name that ends with an A. |
$ | Optional marker for the end of the pattern | .*A$ defines a name that ends with an A. |
{"sandbox": {"directories": [{"path": "c:\\program files\\Sage X3\\runtime\\log","writable": true,"extensions": ["log","tra"]}, {"path": "D:\\Sage_X3\\Folders","extensions": ["*"]}, {"others" : "D:\\Sage_X3\\\Tmp","writable": true,"extensions": ["*"]}, {"path": "D:\\Othervolumes","volume": "A","extensions": ["*"]}]},"spawn": [{"pattern": ".*","path": "*"}], {"allowConsole" : false}
A second more realistic example shows a complete list of possible restrictions. Here, the database used is SQL server, the operating system is Windows, and the corresponding administration commands are allowed by the whitelist filtering:{"allowConsole": false,"secured": false,"sandbox": {"directories": [{"path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\cfg","extensions": ["json"]},{"path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\sem","writable": true,"extensions": ["map","dat"]},{"path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime","volume": "0","writable": true,"extensions": ["*"]},{"path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\folders","writable": true,"volume": "A","extensions": ["*"]},{"path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\folders","pattern": ["^[A-Z1-9]*/TRT/[YZ][A-Z1-9_]*\\.src$","^[A-Z1-9]*/TRT/(SPE|SPV|SUBY|SUBZ|CNSY|CNSZ)[A-Z1-9_]*\\.src$","^[A-Z1-9]*/TRT/[A-Z1-9_]*(_CSPE|_CSPV|_CVER)\\.src$","^[A-Z1-9]*/TRT/CNS[A-Z1-9_]*SPE\\.src$","^[A-Z1-9]*/STC/(C_Y|C_Z|R_Y|R_Z)[A-Z1-9_]*\\.stc$"],"writable": "true","secured": "true"},{"path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\folders\\","pattern": ["^[A-Z1-9]*\\\\TRA\\\\.*","^[A-Z1-9]*\\\\tmp\\\\.*","^[A-Z1-9]*\\\\TRT\\\\[YZ][A-Z1-9_]*\\.src$","^[A-Z1-9]*\\\\TRT\\\\(SPE|SPV|SUBY|SUBZ|CNSY|CNSZ)[A-Z1-9_]*\\.src$","^[A-Z1-9]*\\\\TRT\\\\[A-Z1-9_]*(_CSPE|_CSPV|_CVER)\\.src$","^[A-Z1-9]*\\\\TRT\\\\CNS[A-Z1-9_]*SPE\\.src$","^[A-Z1-9]*\\\\STC\\\\(C_Y|C_Z|R_Y|R_Z)[A-Z1-9_]*\\.stc$"],"writable": true,"secured": true},{"path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\tmp","writable": true,"extensions": ["*",""]}],"spawn": [{"pattern": "^ae_echo [A-Z0-9\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-&%]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin"},{"pattern": "^ae_cat [ A-Z0-9\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-&]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin","params": [1],"modes": "r"},{"pattern": "^ae_cp [ A-Z0-9\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-&]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin","params": [1,2],"modes": "rw"},{"pattern": "^ae_mv [ A-Z0-9\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-&]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin","params": [1,2],"modes": "ww"},{"pattern": "^ae_parse [ A-Z0-9\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-&]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin","params": [2],"modes": "r"},{"pattern": "^lsadx [ A-Z0-9>\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-&]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^valfil [ A-Z0-9>/\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-&]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^valtrt [ A-Z0-9>\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-&]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^valstc [ A-Z0-9>\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-&]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^archive [ A-Z0-9>\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-&]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^ae_logname$","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin"},{"pattern": "^ae_os$","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin"},{"pattern": "^ae_mkdir [ A-Z0-9\\.\\\\_:\"\\-\\/]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin"},{"pattern": "^lsadx.*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^adonix -v [A-Z0-9_]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^killadx [0-9]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^killadx [0-9]* >> [ A-Z0-9\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-\\/]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^killadx.exe -e [0-9]* > [ A-Z0-9\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-\\/]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^BREAK OFF$"},{"pattern": "^BREAK ON$"},{"pattern": "^@ECHO OFF$"},{"pattern": "^ae_rm [ A-Z0-9\\.\\*\\\\_:\\\"\\-]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin","params": [1],"modes": "w"},{"pattern": "^EXIT$"},{"pattern": "^psadx [ A-Z0-9\\-]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^adxdwhat [ A-Z0-9>\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-&]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^ae_rmdir [ A-Z0-9\\.\\*\\\\_:\\\"]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin","params": [1],"modes": "w"},{"pattern": "^[ A-Z0-9>\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-\\/]*adcrapora\\.bat [ A-Z0-9>\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-\\/]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin"},{"pattern": "^adonix -a [ 0-9A-Z\\-:]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^set USER_ENTREP=[A-Z0-9~]*"},{"pattern": "^set EXEC_ENTREP=[A-Z0-9~]*"},{"pattern": "^set TRA_ENTREP=[A-Z0-9~]*"},{"pattern": "^set RQT_ENTREP=[A-Z0-9~]*"},{"pattern": "^sqlplus /NOLOG [A-Z0-9\\.\\\\:\\\"\\-@/]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\instantclient_12_1\\bin"},{"pattern": "^ae_parsevt [ A-Z0-9\\.\\*\\\\_:]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin"},{"pattern": "^adcrapss7[ A-Z0-9>\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-@#!\\$%&'\\(\\)\\*\\+/;<=?\\[\\]\\^`{\\|}~]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin"},{"pattern": "^SET OSQL_EXE=osql"},{"pattern": "IF EXIST \\\"%SQLS7_OSQL%\\\\BINN\\\\osql.EXE\\\" SET OSQL_EXE=\\\"%SQLS7_OSQL%\\\\BINN\\\\osql.EXE\\\""},{"pattern": "%OSQL_EXE% -D [ A-Z0-9>\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-@#!\\$%&'\\(\\)\\*\\+/;<=?\\[\\]\\^`{\\|}~]*"},{"pattern": "^meladx[ A-Z0-9>\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-@#!\\$%&'\\(\\)\\*\\+/;<=?\\[\\]\\^`{\\|}~]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\bin"},{"pattern": "^ae_sort [ A-Z0-9\\.\\\\_:\\\"\\-]*","path": "D:\\Sage\Sage X3\\runtime\\ebin"},{"pattern": "^dir /a:d /b [ 0-9A-Z\\\\:\\\"]*","modes": "r","params": [3]}]}}